I am probably not the best person to be starting this thread right now as I am not that familiar with what has been going on all day. However I know essential a task it is and how tiresome it can become if it falls to the same small group every night.
What I do know is that Odin seems to have his best day since Monday 4th May, the last full day he was in control of the nest.
Well Odin seems to be back in control now and I guess most will be very happy about that with the exception of Finrir.
It will be interesting to see how things progress from here.
Enjoy another day of viewing.
Tiger Signature
EJ had a quick fly around but soon back on egg.
Tiger and Chloe's Osprey Info
EJ looks very peaceful at the moment. Its amazing the difference from a few days ago, when it seemed like they were under almost constant intrusions.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Just catching up after being busy most of the day.
I see it has been a day of will he won't he deliver, plus some bonding, then finally a fish delivery and EJ still sits on the unviable egg.
Limpy - gorgeous captures of what appears to be a blue throated...... well done.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Lynette: That is a fantastic one sentence summary of the day's events at LG.
Have finally managed a catch-up of today's events. Good to see that Odin eventually brought a fish for EJ - even if it WAS only to stop her from nagging him lol! Boy, oh boy - she's like that flipping Duracell Bunny once she starts :-D.
Thanks everybody for all your contributions - I'm off to bed shortly.
night night - Ollie xx
Hi all. Home from babysitting. Quiet evening on the nest except for EJ yelling.
She looks peaceful now.
Great pics of the Blue Throat Limpy. Lovely little bird. I've only ever seen one in the UK. I'm off to bed, I'm shattered. See you all tomorrow.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
New thread for Sunday