Yesterday afternoon (according to those on the scene - it was among a lot of detail that we missed due to severe cam problems), the orange-chested male intruder "OC" dropped a fish onto the nest, and after a starving EJ took it away to eat it the carnage began.
In brief!
Anyone looking?
The orange-eyed destroyer. (I have to say, unfairly I know, that he has none of the "gorgeousness" of Odin the Magnificent.)
EJ returned with the tail-end of the fish, which she continued to eat despite the scene that greeted her:
EJ cleared the ground and proceeded to incubate the one egg that appears to be left intact:
The threat to the surviving egg is great:
OC won't have it easy, he may not even prevail in the longer term - the other intruders are still on the case:
To cap it all after a long and harrowing day, it seemed that EJ was disturbed, probably by the pine marten, just before midnight:
A quick bathroom break for EJ. Saw her get up, then the nest became empty. No outstretched wings in between. *Sigh*.
Ej just took a short flight and has returned to the forlorn egg.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Unknown said:I'd be useless in telling what kind. I assume that since you are having coffee you are planning to stay up for a while?
CIRRUS identified the owl for me the other day :-) I'm here for a good while yet, CC, and I'm checking some other nests.
I'm in limbo. Your comment re "unwillingly drawn into the next chapter" struck a deep chord. But it's not a discussion for here, I expect.
An earlybird has started singing, EJ is listening.
Early bird sounds so cheerful and hopeful. Perhaps she is taking some heart, as I allow myself to anthropomorphise. But she is also looking towards the "Odin" direction...
EJ protesting with strong calls.
EJ is speaking up. Has she spotted someone with fish? Or is it alarm?
I may have heard wings??? A beating of some kind.
I did not hear that, but there are weird cam sounds occasionally.
She's changed to meek contact calls - unsure of herself? does she need to keep someone on her side even tho she doesn't want them?