WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MAY 3, 2015

Hallo all

Check out last week's thread for holiday shots from Lindybird and funnies from dibnlib.

That was a large baby (by today's standards). Anyone remember how much George weighed? I see Alice and Charlotte are the top name choices - both are pretty. I'm waiting for the call asking my opinion! :-)

Lindybird: That's a lovely beach.

dibnlib: Good for you standing up for yourself re your work hours. Hope it brings a positive change - regardless. Love the rear of that wine truck. :-)

Heather: A shame about your dinner. Hope the guest of honor enjoyed his.

Guy came this morning and tree and plants are now nicely tucked up in the soil. He told me his crew is available for half-day jobs (trimming, etc.), which I'll certainly keep in mind.  Off to daughter's to pick up the guinea pig tomorrow morning; then home for appointment with possible house painter.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • HEATHER    Haven't been to Riverside for years. Used to love it when it ws owned by Marcus and Liz, but they emigrated to Oz many moons ago. Last had a lunch there a good few years ago but didn't rate it much. You are so right about Rocpools Scallops.... sheer perfection. Iasked Steven where they got them but can't remember.OH thinks it may be Fish Platter in Lotland St.  Then of course it is up to you to cook them as wonderfully as Rocpool. Will check wth Steven if this is the correct output when I next see him.

    We found a great cheese shop in Cromarty yesterday. Dutch cheeses run by a Dutch  lady. She assured me she had a better cheese than the "Old Amsterdam that we always enjoy. Anyway we had a sample and she was so right and much better priced than the local delis.

    Have finally found something Benson won't eat.....yet. I put out some strawbs for the birds yesterday, they had blown off the birdtable overnight. He sniffed them to see what he thought, then left them.

    Great church this morning and good craic at the bring and share.

  • Hello! My catch-up at last – on a dreich Sunday morning!

    The reason I thought I might not post was that we had weekend tickets for Lockerbie Country Music Festival, and a Saturday-only ticket for J who is having an otherwise busy weekend. We turned up on Friday evening, to learn that Friday and Saturday’s sessions were cancelled through lack of interest, so we got a refund and a downgrade to Saturday only. We had a nice hot chocolate and shortbread at the hotel venue, then came home, but most of the evening disappeared researching latest news from P&K Council re T in the park.

    Saturday morning we were enjoying sunshine, both working outside. The music we heard in the afternoon and evening was not traditional country, which I had hoped for, but it was good, although a female singer’s performance most resembled karaoke! (Female vocalists are not my favourite!) The later band performed a whole set from The Eagles, and this was excellent. They may have been doing more traditional stuff later, but we left as J and I were both tired and he had an early start today (his band playing in church).

    Today will be a lazy day, unless OH gets around to fitting a shelf in J’s cupboard. Now whizzing back to Thursday as I know there are posts I intended to reply to!

    Clare – good to see you can be proud of Helen’s housekeeping skills re the till receipt! Sorry the job has still to turn up for you; it must be out there somewhere!

    Linda – sorry to read the list of Bonnie’s antics; sounds like your OH has the right idea with the shoe – I hope it keeps her busy for many weeks! Have you forgotten – you don’t have to wear black to be old – remember the poem which says you can be disgraceful in purple! Nice holiday photos, thank you. I hope your OH’s golf competition could go ahead in Manchester today.

    Brenda – I hope OH’s blood test was routine and not a problem.

    Dibnlib – good to see you again. Sorry you are still not 100%; I hope you have been able to enjoy at least some of your time off work. I see you have been out for some meals and to Cromarty and Fortrose when OH has had time off. I hope your boss will not overreact to you asking for your rights re Sundays off. I thought they were obliged to grant Sunday for “religious observance”. Lovely photo of Ben Wyviss!

    Margo – I take it as a good sign that you managed to fill your days last week with visitors, phone calls, Billie and Ospreys after the posting failed! I hope you enjoyed the carvery and that your OH enjoys the match, and shall be thinking of you for Monday’s blood test and then the chemo – which I assume will involve the Monday the following week to make up for the Bank Holiday.

    Wendy – glad to see you enjoyed a special visit to L G! I also envy you your proximity to Lochindorb and Logie Steading (great food there)!

    Lynette – yes, largely veg plants; we don’t have a big garden, but while we are able we like to enjoy or fresh veg through the summer – and frozen surplus later too! Both our Dads grew veg, mine being particularly traditional in his approach, so I guess we just carried on from them.

    Heather – sorry your starter was so disappointing for the family meal out. We have never tried The Riverside, because of parking issues – roof box rules out multi-storeys.

    Annette – thanks for starting our new thread for the new week. Pleased to see your planting guy came and did the job – and that you are considering him for other garden work. I hope the prospective painter will turn up! That guinea-pig does a lot of travelling between your house and Daughter’s! Did you say you are also dog-sitting this time?

    Lmac – thanks for the photos. What a great view to have; is that from your weekend abode, or permanent (I think you have said you go there for weekends, but I may have mixed you up with someone else)? Tapaidh is still lovely – with such beautiful eyes!!

    I noticed all the discussion about school exams – I had just got used to Standards and Highers since our move to Scotland from the English GCSEs and A levels, and now we have the Nats here (National Qualifications) from the SQA. But changing the names doesn’t do anything to improve the attainment of the students!

    Well, this has taken me much of the day, in between other things, and it is probably now too long to be read! J has been back for lunch and now gone again to be ready for sound-check and final run-through for evening service. OH is outside sawing wood, and I think I shall now phone Daughter#2. The sun has actually been shining a while, and no rain at the moment; tomorrow should be dry here, too. It will be a relaxed day, we don’t go out on bank holidays and we hope J will “chill” after two busy weeks.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Enjoyed reading your long post, OG.... Sorry you only got to see part of the Music Festival in the end. I love The Eagles. My OH has just arrived back to an ecstatic welcome from a small woolly person. He had a good round of golf and the rain held off. Its been grey here but no rain either. I did a whole lot of catching up on the PC, and took Bonnie in the garden for a bit of ball playing. She was fun this afternoon as I switched on the TV and there was a repeat of the Animal programme about Pets - she heard the puppies playing together and was transfixed! I did wish the camera was handy as she sat stock still for a good five minutes, staring at the screen.
  • Hope you enjoyed your meal out, Margo - here is a pic for you -
  • OG Glad you enjoyed your concert although not what you expected.   I am not actually asking for every Sunday off, just that we all take our turn. Since Feb none of our management team have worked Sundays. Two of them because they like to go out on the town on a Saturday night (if that is what they want to do ..fine but it shouldn't absolve them working Sundays) The manager who used to work every Sun, now takes it off to help out with his 5 month old twins and 4 year old daughter. I do think even on a quiet Sunday one of the management team should be working with one other, just as on every other day of the week.

    We have booked for "The Yamato Japanese Drummers" on at Eden Court 14th May. OH has seen them before when he went along with one of the guys he supports. He was not looking forward to it as he wasn't feeling well and had a really bad headache. He came home positively bouyant saying it was one of the best things he had ever seen/heard and would have tried to get tickets for both of us if it was on the next night. It wasn't and we have had to wait 2 years for me to get the chance again.

    Here is a not too great pic of the jigsaw I have finished this afternoon. It is a Gibsons jigsaw and the artist is Mike Jupp. This one is called "I love Spring" and is one of a series. I have "I love Winter" to start after completing another rather unusual jigsaw.







  • Should have mentioned that the 2 who like to drink themselves silly on a Sat night haven't done Sundays in a very long time.

  • That's a great jigsaw, Dibnlib.  How long did it take you to complete it?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE Took about a month on and off. Not being well hasn't helped as I just couldn't concentrate. Luckily we have an 8 seater dining table so the jiggie sits at the end by the window and we still have plenty of room to eat at the other. I also now have a jigboard which makes it much easier to tidy the jiggie away than the jigroll did.

    Have you any more interviews coming up? If so we both wish you lots of luck.

  • No interviews coming up but I have one outstanding application.  Fingers crossed.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.