WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY MAY 3, 2015

Hallo all

Check out last week's thread for holiday shots from Lindybird and funnies from dibnlib.

That was a large baby (by today's standards). Anyone remember how much George weighed? I see Alice and Charlotte are the top name choices - both are pretty. I'm waiting for the call asking my opinion! :-)

Lindybird: That's a lovely beach.

dibnlib: Good for you standing up for yourself re your work hours. Hope it brings a positive change - regardless. Love the rear of that wine truck. :-)

Heather: A shame about your dinner. Hope the guest of honor enjoyed his.

Guy came this morning and tree and plants are now nicely tucked up in the soil. He told me his crew is available for half-day jobs (trimming, etc.), which I'll certainly keep in mind.  Off to daughter's to pick up the guinea pig tomorrow morning; then home for appointment with possible house painter.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Brenda I am not surprised that Odin was keeping his head down as the weather her was nasty... Rain and mist so fishing would have been hard.

    Just back from a dry Daisy walk and the Spey is very high.

    I brought back a cold from my Lundy holiday and gave it to OH. Both of us still have the remnants lingering .

    Daisy rarely barks and when a dog barks near her she gives it a look... As though she is saying " what a waste of time". Even now she sits by back door waiting for her staff to notice her:-)

    Vets today as she has a warty type thing between her toes and it doesn't look too healthy. ABs haven't improved it so we will see what the vet has planned. It probably be attached to a bill!!

  • Wendy, A friend's dog has recently had a wart removed from between her toes. They don't have insurance. It cost over £800, including a boot for the dog to wear, post the op. Best wishes for Daisy.

  • We are going out for lunch, even though the rain is heavier and the wind is even stronger. Tomorrow supposed to be a better day.

  • Brenda luckily we have " for life" insurance which is a boon considering her allergy issues. Her one a day Atopica are £360 every 3 months. The plus side his it is working for her but doesn't suit all dogs.

  • Hope the wart is nothing too nasty, Wendy:  its always expensive as soon as you walk through the door at the vet's.

    We've braved the rain and been to Tesco and B&Q - neither of them exciting.  Bought yet another nylon bone for Bonnie to give her no excuse to chew on anything other than her many toys.

    Been working on my photos (I went to nearby town yesterday and got them onto a disc).

    Here are a couple from our last Wales visit:

    Caernarfon castle, which of course dominates the town. There is a very nicely done town square in front of it. Under the parasols, you can sit with a coffee and watch the world go by - literally, as many of the tourists are from foreign climes.

    Sails on the Straits between Anglesey and the mainland (that's Anglesey in the background - we have stood on that spot also, looking across at the mainland.)

    Wild forget-me-nots in the hedgerow beside where I took the previous pic.

  • Bonnie saying " Can I get through these railings on the caravan decking?"

    Answer ---  "YES!!"

    We're hoping that her shoulders will get too big when she grows some more!

  • Unknown said:

    Operation Osprey has reported that Odin has been seen, chasing an intruder.

    Thanks, Brenda.  Its always worrying when one of them is AWOL. I expect the bad weather is not helping with the fishing and the intruders have been a pain this year.

  • Lovely photos, Lindy.

    My latest job application has just come back with a no........though they at least had the courtesy to tell me.  

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Doh! Clare! How annoying.........