And so we begin another month. Osprey season is in full swing, with lots of action everywhere. ENJOY!
If I remember it is in one of the main blogs and lg thought it may have been an injury caused by an intruders talon
I was hoping we might get an update from LG but nothing so far.
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
Starling, Birdie was going to LG today so she may get back in time to report on daily thread later
Lmac, that probably is where I saw the one report, but I thought there maybe had been other observations that I had missed. Maybe not.
Unfortunately, the WHYs are not important just now. All that is important is that Odin is missing and EJ needs him for herself and for her 2015 family.
The cam action is still the same as my last pic, so won't post another yet.
Quickly glancing at The Daily Update, apparently there has been action on the nest, concerning a male (not Odin) but I don't have time to read as I'm out now for the afternoon and evening.
Daylight is approaching now, but cam is still on nitelite.
There is a new blog.
Missing In Action - Update Eggs Have Been Kicked Out
Well the title says it all. As I type this EJ has settled down on her one remaining egg, at least she has had something to eat.
So sad.
Here is a screen shot of the new male.
I'm off now, it has taken me ages to get that screenshot and to post on this useless pile of junk :(
This I believe is EJ sitting apparently contentedly on what? One whole egg and one cracked egg? Deliberately cracked and the third kicked out by the seemingly new Man of the House.