And so we begin another month.  Osprey season is in full swing, with lots of action everywhere.  ENJOY!

  • Many Thanks STARLING - You have told me more in a few sentances than I could gert from the DU. How did you manage to read all these pages in a few minutes and understand :).

    I dont think the nests are a problem - Around Kielder they have put up plenty of nests - Its just these birds do not want them as they prefer a partner who already has a nest and will try and get rid of the other half whether that be the male or female depending on the gender of the intruder.

    Yes CU2 unfortunate only a 3YO and has done all the hard work that an osprey gets thrown at it in its first years only to have an unfortunate collision in the UK on its return when it should be a happy season exploring other birds and nests.

    JUNE - No good me as an ID - I am worse than any. I was at Dai Dots nest yesterday and a lady there said to me thats Dai Dot coming in do you recognise him. From the distance he could have been a seagul to me. I only recognise EJ because I see her ring.

    Again the nest of Dai Dot was built and vacant for years before he occupied it last season - again he preferred to take the Dyfi nest on.

  • I'm hopeless at Id as well, EJ is quite distinctive but I probably wouldn't be able to pick her out in an osprey line-up of similar colours.  That's why I like the rings.

  • LOL Keith, I can tell an osprey from a seagull, surely.  For all your osprey expertise you and I both need some positive signs, mostly a clearly readable ring.  I see an osprey with a brown chest sitting on the nest at LG and I assume it is EJ because that is the way it is supposed to be.

  • STARLING Thanks so much for your report.  As I should have said earlier, Gabfest needs a few cam watchers AND REPORTERS.  

    Did anyone here or on another thread notice that EJ is NOW (edit correction) setting on the egg that has been on the side of the nest for several days.  

    I did with my own eyes witness her pull it back to the center, then settle on it.

    What is your take on that action, Keith and Starling.????

  • JUNE - I think it is just her instinct triggering in to want to incubate. After all that is why she came back to Loch Garten.

    I use the word think as I am no expert in the make up of these birds. I may pose this question to Vennessa in Minneapolis as she studied all of this behaviour - She always has an answer.

  • Again a couple again who - I am off to rst as work on the gas plant early but leave an answer before I leave.

    TWO OSPREYS :):).

  • I too think it is just her instinct June, although I have not seen this before.

  • I have asked Vennessa and she will reply overnight and report what she thinks - see if she thinks it is just her biological instinct. Like STARLING I also have not seen this before.

    I believe DIDO went to LG on Saturday - Hope she enjoyed her visit to LOTL on Sunday to get over Saturday's events.

  • Before we hear from Vanessa, I will go on record as saying that I agree with  Keith and Starling.  EJ's "instinct" or "programed DNA" prompted her to tuck the egg back into place.

    However someone on this thread once said I would make a good scientist because of a curiosity that can pick and analyze something to pieces.  The biggest question in my mind is WHY NOW? instead of back after they were first "kicked out" when they might have been still viable.

    I am reminded of a "setting hen" or a "brooding hen".  I believe she will go into incubating behavior even before there are any eggs to incubate.