The best that can be said about yesterday is that it was not quite as bad as the day before - and of course that our doughty couple, Odin the Magnificent and EJ the Phenomenal, retained their nest, with eggs intact as far as we can see.
Sadly, the month of May starts out badly, cam-wise, as it's been left out of focus for the night. (I know there's a bad grammatical error there, but am not going to change it.)
EJ has tried to get some sleep:
What sounded to me like a single, quiet, osprey chirp woke her up:
She tucked her head back but not long afterwards the same thing happened. She got up and checked the eggs, had a flap and went for a quick flyaround:
Interesting wing feathers as she took off with a chirp ;-)
She was back less than 20 seconds later, watchful:
Soon back on the eggs and ready for sleep:
Off she's gone with a couple of pipes.
That's too long for a bathroom break :-/
Back chirpig, slowly onto eggs. Gone for 5 minutes.
Pictures in wrong order I forgot to 'post' individually before posting the post (if you see what I mean)
I have been reading, catching up, with the cam on and was thinking that all looks surprisingly calm, until I read of the brief intruder interlude. It could have been a passing bird if no attempt was made to fly too close. EJ must be fairly relaxed if she was happy being off the eggs for five minutes. My VLC keeps stalling too, and intermittent sound. But it is lovely to have peace for a while. Oh and a decent sized fish too.
Have to go out now, but will be back later. VLC has stopped....
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
EJ is up piping and off again :o
Back piping. Odin has descended from the campost onto her back, no serious attempt at mating, she shouldered him off and he flew.
Flopp! we don't want 4 eggs!!! We just had a proper mate