The best that can be said about yesterday is that it was not quite as bad as the day before - and of course that our doughty couple, Odin the Magnificent and EJ the Phenomenal, retained their nest, with eggs intact as far as we can see.
Sadly, the month of May starts out badly, cam-wise, as it's been left out of focus for the night. (I know there's a bad grammatical error there, but am not going to change it.)
EJ has tried to get some sleep:
What sounded to me like a single, quiet, osprey chirp woke her up:
She tucked her head back but not long afterwards the same thing happened. She got up and checked the eggs, had a flap and went for a quick flyaround:
Interesting wing feathers as she took off with a chirp ;-)
She was back less than 20 seconds later, watchful:
Soon back on the eggs and ready for sleep:
Odin has flown. Intruder was not seen on cam.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
I am going out now. BBL.
Odin on guard.
Tiger Signature
Back now. I can hear Odin alarm calling off cam.
EDIT. Nothing came of it.
Back from the hairdressers. Thanks for your reports and pics. Sorry to see that there is still an intruder around.
EJ still alone on the nest.
Sorry to read that the pesky intruder has been around again. Thank you BNN for the vid. It looked as though it was the usual Odin similar bird rather than the 'orange chested' one.
EJ it enjoying the sunshine at present.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Thank you for the videos BIRDIE. So much better that what I saw. Indeed it did look like "white male" Sheila. At least the intrusions are much less now.
EJ's off for a break
15.32 EJ has taken off, leaving the eggs.
Here's Odin...and EJ