"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
The camera just zoomed in on EJ's side (where the feather was sticking out) Perhaps checking for injury. It's pouring with rain.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
well it would seem a very unpleasant day of osprey watching at LG. Poor EJ and Odin - I hope they get some peace and a chance to recharge. Hope also we get an update on what is happening off cam from LG.
OH ! just got in and that's what I read MOFFER- no fish. Must read back
Me too Lmac. I keep checking but nothing so far.
EJ and Odin can go a day or so without fish so I really hope she is not asking him to go fishing incase intruders come back while he is away. He could be away for up to an hour.
Hope you managed to eat Moffer. Thank you to you and the BC that have worked tirelessly today to keep us up to date - a herculean task indeed
Thanks Lmac. we all make a good team together. :)
JanetW said: So it might be possible the the Odin lookalike is in fact a 2010 offspring (were there any males?) looking to return to his natal nest - hence the persistence?
So it might be possible the the Odin lookalike is in fact a 2010 offspring (were there any males?) looking to return to his natal nest - hence the persistence?
I personally disagree with this therory. I remember these three chicks well and grieve because I do not believe any of the three still survive.. Even the one I called Eldest (they were never named) who was so confident and strong. No., we are dealing with disenfranchised young Osprey that could even be from Scandinavia or Latvia . From anywhere in fact. It's just all a pesky problem . I had hoped after two XD free years Odin would have a better time of it ...EJ is an experienced bird and I doubt very much she is going to cave in about these dratted youngsters who in other circumstances I would entertain with a smile
Thanks for all the updates etc. What a day EJ and Odin have been having. Markings out of 10? I'd give them both 11.
EJ's gently calling just now. I just wish I had a better grasp of Ospreyish, and not just the swearwords ;-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Well, HERON. It's not a ''hurry up and eat the head and giz it 'ere' call. It might be a 'thank you for the fish and now that I've given it back , is there any chance you could give a bit of it back to me' . But, as we all know, sigh, there has not been a second fish.