Welcome to another day in the 2015 Loch Garten season. Ej's incubating her eggs while awake at the moment. As usual she's looking phenomenal :)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Good morning, HERON, thank you for the new DU :-)
I've just surfaced to find that my LG laptop had gone into suspension because it thought the battery had run out (it's not even running on battery!). Another stick to beat me with.
Ideally, we'd see two eggs in a minute and then soon EJ would show us three ;-)
You ain't having much luck Scylla, it seems, with your computing equipment of late,.....but I am sure you wont let such small gremlins beat you :-D
Great vid capture of the intruder yesterday afternoon :-)
Hi scylla :) Sorry to hear your LG laptop has been disobedient. Perhaps EJ could have a wee word with it ;-) I once challenged her to a stare out contest. I think I came third.
Well she's done the first element of my request ;-)
Ooh you are daft, HERON, and I like it ;-D
Good morning, TRYING - I've got my eyes on eBay laptops and only seeing people here in retrospect ;-)
EJ's looking watchful but slightly sleepy, I can't believe this is my 6th season watching the LG Ospreys. Just goes to show how time flies when your having fun :-)
You are a year older than me, in osprey terms.
2010 was my first season. I'll never forget those chicks. Especially the youngest one. The way he fought for food by barging between his two older siblings was amazing.