Evening all: Welcome back, Alicat! As usual, all quiet on the LG nest; breezy at LOTL. FYI, I may not watch very late tonight as we have someone coming early in the morning to install French doors between the kitchen and "my" room and it's been a busy day.
Heard a commotion & came back in to see EJ getting the tail end of Odin's fish!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
I heard that they often eat the head off first, to make sure its dead and so not dangerous to any chicks in the nest. I saw it as he landed, and it looked a good size, so there should be plenty for EJ, too.
Mmm. now , this 'second fish' thing is rather confusing . May I conjecture - could it have been part of Odin's original sizeable fish and FAT fish - EJ brought him the remains (she really could not have eaten it all herself after all) - and at some point Odin ate some to complement the head which he had eaten and finally, he gave the last bit to EJ.
OR was this really a completely new fish brought to the nest so soon?????? I'm all ears everyone :)
Just opened up the video page and yes, Odin definitely baby sitting.
Oh yes, and as we can all see so clearly - just the two eggs. Thanks DJoans
Alison W said: has ej laid third egg yet is it due today or is it tomorrow,thanks for the messages left on my page Alicat
has ej laid third egg yet is it due today or is it tomorrow,thanks for the messages left on my page
LG seem to think egg#3 would be today - if same spacing as last year it will be tomorrow.
2009 2010
Egg#1 16 Apr 15 Apr (Thurs)
Egg#2 19 Apr 18 Apr (Sun)
Egg#3 22 Apr ??
Hope you are less sore today.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Well, that's a good question, Cirrus. All I know is it was a good size: you can see it in his claw in DjoanS' pic. If the 1st fish was really huge, it could have been the same one. However, the 'shouting' & harrassment had been going on for quite a few minutes so Odin can't have been on a nearby tree or I'm sure he would have turned up earlier. (I had heard this other bird calling out loudly for quite a while)
Lindybird - this comes from the Official Blog postings: it seems to be evidence on my side but not necessarily.
Oden just flew in with a small fish. Ej immediately left the eggs, took the fish & flew away. On closer sight, it wasn't so much a small fish, just that there was so little of it left after Oden fed himself -- scarcely more than the tail. Oden has now taken on his incubation duties.
So, LIndybird what d'you think. I think this is the same fish being passed around - just splendid really - it was a big fat fish after all and the two have taken their time to consume it . ?????
Morning all: See you've all been busy; let me add my "please two chicks only this year" (after all, two's company; three's a crowd). Anyone know the maximum number of eggs that have been delivered and/or hatched to an osprey?
I have been a very infrequent viewer today, so once again, a big thankyou for all the updates.
A very good morning to you Annette. There was an Osprey nest in your neck of the woods (well, USA) that had four chicks ALL successfully fledged !! :) Ye gods !! the male must have been Zeus.