Here's to another day in the 2015 Loch Garten Osprey Season. Things seem to be going on schedule, and even the weather seems to be in a peaceful mood. Empty nest at the moment.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Its certainly not as windy as last night. So if EJ does a nightly nest patrol, I don't think I'll mistake her for Odin. Unless of course she borrows a hair-drier, squats to make herself look smaller, and covers her leg rings ;-)
Thank you for starting a new DU, HERON, and I hope you get better soon ;-D
(Sorry, this is yesterday's.)
For MOFFER, the thick stick arrival - it was landed partially on EJ... of course ;-)
Hi Scylla :)
Great vid. Sometimes I think EJ should put on a crash helmet when Odin flies in with one of those big sticks ;)
Oh! Just heard a tiny burst of sound at LG. Nothing of any note but there was a split seconds crackle.
A look at the clock tells me that I have to drag myself (reluctantly) away. My roosting perch awaits. If I don't manage to log on tomorrow morning, I should be on in the evening.
Happy watching :-)
We did get some "burst-throughs" when the cam first came online. I can't tell now because I have the sound muted on the cam itself, as I am recording Dyfi with sound on the same laptop.
Oh cheerio, HERON, I'm off to sleep too almost immediately.
But Odin appeared on the nest @ 0451hr:
Soon joined by EJ and he botched a mating, landed on her face - probably too glary to see:
A second try was better:
Odin then left, as dd EJ shortly after.
No CC here tonight.
Goodnight :-)
Good morning, all! They're both on the nest:
Odin appears:
He has flown.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.