A Google search revealed this so I have started a new thread has been suggested.
Birdies LG DU update.
Thanks OG. Yes, very interesting. I like what Liz Smith is doing.
Another two articles which may be of interest
Within the above article is a link which takes you to the Scottish Government's State Aid Ad Hoc Register (included next)
However this is not the only funding T in the Park has had over the years
But don't worry they give some of it back to charity!!
So the amount they have 'donated' to charity is almost the same as they have been given by the government!!!! Unbelievable
I'd say they are clearly trying to buy public approval.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
I would question why in that case they are given funding/grants if they are donating it to charity. Let's face it DF/Strathallan have given nothing to charity but we the tax paying public have funded their donation from Government coffers. I am sure if there were grants and funding available in P&K there are more worthy causes, particularly with all the business closes and redundancies of recent years. Rant over have a good Friday everyone :)
Interesting front page article in The Times today about snp Jennifer Dempsies conflicting interests in titp grant, her project work as a former employee of df concerts and her persuading P&K to allow the concert to go ahead. She is standing for election in Highlands and Islands now. Sorry can't do link as on phone not Tablet
I can't get the page you refer to but this might help.,
Do we know how the event went in regard to the Osprey nest?
I read in one of yesterday's papers (not sure which, I was out at the time) that if the concert is not held in the next two years, two thirds of the grant will have to be repaid. Apparently is was granted for the three years of the current licence - and was actually handed over after this year's event. This also sounds as if the papers are wondering whether the license may be revoked - last we heard, I think there were still cases pending over broken conditions!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!