T(or not)In The Park

A Google search revealed this so I have started a new thread has been suggested.

  • That we will never find out Nature Lover, both sides are so passionate in their beliefs it will be very difficult to find an unbiased view. Maybe someone like Keith Brockie if he rings near that nest may have a judged view.

    I listened to the news this morning and journalists covering the event where complaining that it took between 3-5 hours to exit the car parks late Saturday. I suppose the monies brought in weighted against the cost of infrastructure changes for next year will be the deciding factor. I still am not positive in my thoughts about the nest over the coming months and whether it will even be there next spring.

  • Thank you Lmac. Yes, I agree with your thoughts re the nest.

    I wonder if any of the local residents would now have second thoughts about the event being held here in future years, given all the disruption, etc?

  • Rain - Wet and a soggy mess as the campers check out by 12:00. I,ll leave it till around Wednesday before I attempt to get on site - meanwhile a trip to LOTL to see not Noel Gallacher's High Flying Birds but Blue FR2,3 and 4 High Flying and hopefully the chicks at strathallan will now be left in relative peace to High Fly.

    LMAC - Not sure of an impartial view from KB - He was listed as an adsvisor to DF Concerts.  

    NATURE LOVER - I live 8 miles away - Most local residents did not have first thoughts of the event being held here in the first place but our council will not listen to anyone. Yesterday on my way to play golf at St Andrews I past the venue at Balado where the event has taken place over the past years - I do not object to the concert and this was the ideal place to hold it - access and no disturbance to anything (Pitty about the fuel pipe saga).

  • A couple more of the latest updates from Stathallan'T'ag twitter account this morning: "Bus route at standstill, tailing back over 6.5km (and counting), blocking A822, tourist route to the north." And most importantly,"Ospreys still there!  Entirely down to the resilience of these birds and nothing to do with DFC's 'protective' measures."

    KEITH - I look forward to hearing your views following your site visit (if permitted). Meanwhile, enjoy the antics of the beautiful High Flying LOTL osprey chicks.

  • I also wanted to ask re the Balado site, is there no chance of anything being done with the problematic oil pipe in order for the festival to return there? I too am not against festivals per se but very much believe they have to be held at an appropriate venue.

  • Bbc reports amongst other items related to titp that RSPB have claimed no disturbance to ospreys and their behaviour throughout was normal.

  • Some lovely views here of Strathallan Estate.



  • Hhmm I noticed the photos earlier particularly the tents and debris left behind even although they were asked not to!!

  • Thanks for recent posts.  I wonder whether the land-owners expected all that mess?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I am sure this has been posted but I cannot see it www.facebook.com/.../923617957679364
