A Google search revealed this so I have started a new thread has been suggested.
Birdies LG DU update.
Haven't heard a thing - maybe someone living in the Auchterarder/Dunblane area can enlighten us!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
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EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Thanks Mary. Interesting comment that work can't start until chicks have their feathers and able to move off the nest. T in park will be on 10th July so chicks may not have fledged and almost certainly won't have when work to build starts so that may cause a premature fledge but hey we are supposed to believe the powers that be know what they are doing. I just dread to think what will happen to the nest in the winter months!!!!!
Well, at least it is good news that the nest has chicks. Thank you Mary.
Edit: If the quotes are really what he said, then article is crass, sorry, but it really is.
"Since then we’ve seen two chicks. They will be capable of flying off at festival time, so they will certainly be capable of looking after themselves.”
He has absolutely no idea what he is saying, let alone doing. Suggesting that once they have feathers they can fly...and all will be well with them Ridiculous. I agree Lmac, but the nest is on the land belonging to another part of the family and they won't allow it to be felled. So anything which happens to it will be illegal.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
I do not think much of the report from the festival organisers reagrding the welfare of the ospreys. It is a token effort to satisfy a few environmental people - I would be surprised if the Perthshire Orthonologist advised this.
It is a lovely evening so am going up tonight after a bit of dinner to have a look at the nest and surrounds - the construction people should be away by 5:00.
Do not like what Im hearing about this. How can they think this will be alright? Chicks are extremely vulnerable at fledging time and certainly not able to look after themselves. I agree Keith that it would be surprising for P ornithologist to advise this!
Unproductive tonight - I normally park the car at Strathallan Airfield and walk down the private road to Strathallan Castle to view the nest.
At the Airfield which is the road to Strathallan Castle and is privately owned they have put security cabins 24/7 and called it the entrance to a construction site and bar anyone walking down the road unless you are a construction worker and have a pass and had an induction.
A couple were driving down to a private function at the castle, they had to stop and names checked against guest lists before allowing them access.
This in the past was a welcome walk.
The security were under strict orders 24/7 not to let anyone into the grounds - however I was told the ospreys are at present doing fine.
I think as far as construction is concerned the ospreys will be fine - it is the period 10 to 12 July that is worrying.
I think anything we hear in the near future is going to be official press release from the concert organisers.
Well a walk along the River Earn only a few hundred yards away was better. Generally the ospreys will fish along this stretch between Kinkell Bridge towards Crieff and on to Comrie. They also fish at the lochans on Gleneagles and at Ochill Trout Fishery. Plenty of Ospreys around the area.
Thank you for your up-date Keith. At least the security will prevent any willful damage to the nest.
Sheila I hope so but would it be terribly cynical of me to think out loud that some actions depend on who is paying the bill!! I might think a plan from organisers to stop locals from admiring the Ospreys. I thought in Scotland as long as you behaved and obeyed countryside laws you could roam and walk freely given it does not recognise the act of trespass. Protecting a building site, i thought there was a large buffer zone protecting the area surrounding the nest.
Article in today's Daily Record
£500,000 to deal with wildlife concerns at Strathallan castle site.
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes