WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey topics) SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 2015

  • Don't mind mine, really Clare - after a Certain Age, you have other signs of deterioration to worry about!!  Glad you liked it.  It took me longer to think of the last verse than the whole thing put together. I usually start with two first lines, and the rest just follows - I rarely have an ending in mind LOL!!

  • Just come back on after a busy day.  Laughing now at my own clumsy verse:  "the key to life's doorbell!"  LOL!!  Didn't know doorbells have a key !!

    Never mind, will rewrite it sometime, when I have the time {sigh}

    Dog has just been nosing into my handbag and run around the room with the cloth I use to polish my specs!!   I was in the garden, refilling the bird baths, when she saw me pulling up weeds.  She went to investigate the holes left behind, then followed me to where I throw the weeds into a bucket - then she stole a big mouthful of weeds and ran around the lawn with them!!

  • ps.  Have just been on the Big River Site and ordered another Baby Gate, as we took ours with us to the caravan and it was most successful at keeping her out of the bedrooms.  Now we need two, so that we don't have to keep taking one with us. The original one is in the dining room doorway and stops her accessing all the rest of the house except that room, the kitchen and conservatory. Puddles are limited!!

  • Clare: That's discouraging.  You're working with an agency, right?  Have you asked them what they think might be going on? Of course, if it's an age thing, nobody is going to admit it.   I much prefer informal workplaces; never did feel comfortable in the world of suits.

    Lindybird: Well, you compose verse - imperfect though you claim - much better than I do on a good day!  

    Brenda: Not surprised about your friend's experience - here the gardeners typically don't want to be called in every few months to do big (to us) jobs that are small to them. They want a regular gig - what we call here Blow, Mow, and Go (to their next job).

  • Unknown said:
    Clare: That's discouraging.  You're working with an agency, right?  Have you asked them what they think might be going on? Of course, if it's an age thing, nobody is going to admit it.   I much prefer informal workplaces; never did feel comfortable in the world of suits.

    I'm now registered with five different agencies, as well as looking for directly advertised jobs.  I've long since reached the point where a place full of suits makes my heart sink!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare: Good luck to you. I hope you find a good job very soon.

  • Will be thinking of you both in your searches for work: I'm convinced something will turn up, as Mr Micawber used to say.
  • I shall be celebrating tonight, with something alcoholic, as this afternoon I finally sorted out my problem with connection for this Tablet. I rang my Youngest for various bits of advice earlier, and finally found the right password to set everything right ( thanks for your advice, Brenda, but the one on the hub turned out to be one for initial set up and had been changed :-( ). Hooray!!
  • Hello all

    I didn't get on here yesterday, hairdo in the morning then met up with middle daughter for lunch. She came home with me and we had a G and T outside in the sunshine before dinner. She and I were not very hungry and had a salad but OH was looking forward to haggis neeps and tatties which we very reluctantly prepared for him, not a warm weather meal but he enjoyed it.

    Today we met up with OG and EE. It was lovely to see them again but I fear that I chatted too much:-((

    CLARE, DIANE- I really hope that something turns up soon, for you both xx

    AQ- aka Supergran- I love reading about your childminding activities but at the same time feel so glad that I don't have similar responsibilities! Well, not yet...

    I'm lying in bed, granddaughter Mia beside me, reading her book. Her parents have gone to the supermarket to pick up the rest of the shopping for her birthday party tomorrow. We are not allowed to put the bedroom TV on, strict instructions from her Mum. It is a fact that once upon a time I was the boss but not any more!!!!

    Take care, everyone

  • Evening all: Just three whales during my shift today; we're still in the between-migrations lull.

    Clare: I forgot where you live but it must be a fair-sized city to support five agencies.  Do they overlap with each other when it comes to job vacancies? Any chance of getting a temp job (sometimes they can go permanent)?  Anyway, hang in there ducky.  :-)

    Lindybird: Congrats on finding the right password!

    Heather:  When OH and I go out with other couples, I'm the one who typically chatters away happily (probably because my OH is on the quiet side and I feel compelled to chat for him too!).  :-)   Hope Mia has a Wonderful birthday party!

    Haven't heard from Margo for a few days; hope she's busy watching webcams!

    Have a nice Saturday everyone.