Bleeding hearts. Retired Mountain Lady; Osprey, RSPB cam, Shower, My wish wordpress
What a relief and a thrill to have Odin back home at Loch Garten.
Pessimist that I am, withe all the lateness and bad weather, I was afraid this day would never come, but it has! So now we have a pair at the historical Loch Garten nest. The 2015 Loch Garten season is truly underway.
I was watching Odin on split screen as I type. I looked away a second and poof he is gone & I didn't see him leave. Oh well, I did get to watch for a while. Great!
Where is Dai Dot? I am assuming he would return to the nest with no cam where we have been informed that he successfully raised a family last year. But you say DYFI. Is this the nest with a cam where they had so much traffic (shall I put it that way) last year.?
Dai Dot is at Monty's nest at Dyfi at the moment, but will hopefully move on to his own nest soon.
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
Thanks Starling Seems strange to me he would return there after a successful summer elsewhere. Be interesting to see what happens.
The empty LG nest on my split screen just went on night cam.
I'm back at the library with more computer problems.
1. I had the four cams I most wanted to watch working and sorted out. Then ALL my videos turned into a blank green screen - Facebook, You tube, my wildlife cams, all!
2. Typing is SLOW about 5 seconds per letter. After a couple of days it switched back to normal and has done this two or three times.
I suppose I'll have to take it back to the pro shop. But that is expensive and doesn't seem to really solve the problem. This is extremely frustrating & interferes seriously with my enjoyment of Ospreys and other computer persuits, such as Email communiction, etc.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Can't help you out there June, I know nothing about computers :(
Not really expecting any help Starling. Just threw it out there so yu all would know why I am so slow and with a wee bit of hope that just maybe. :) :(
Just read the main Blog. Wonderful description of Odin's return home. Although arriving in the middle of the night he made himself right at home, and EJ returned to the nest to greet him warmly. This morning he honored her with a sky dance, then left to fetch a fish for her. Wonderful!
Also glad other osprey are returning frequently now. Thanks Starling for your regular updates.
Sorry you are having to use the library again June.
You were asking about Dai Dot earlier, and apparently he has now gone home to his nest and is paired up with his female from last year. So another happy couple.