Bleeding hearts. Retired Mountain Lady; Osprey, RSPB cam, Shower, My wish wordpress

  • Great news that apparently 5 known Ospreys have returned today!  Fingers crossed for the others.

    Keith, My knowledge of Scotland is terrible so I cannot help a friend. If you have a couple of moments in the next few days, I would be grateful for some advice for her and her husband who will be visiting the Fort William area and the Edinburgh area (for a week each) from Friday the 10th.   Not sure which is first.  Only very newly interested in birds, she would ideally like to see an Osprey, an Eagle, and receive a few suggestions of nature reserves in those areas.  Many thanks for any ideas you can give me.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Good morning all. Just seen the wonderful news that EJ is back. Also 30(05) and just catching up with the news. Who will turn up today?

  • So Blue XD is on his way back.. If only we could know where Odin is.

  • Yesterday Blue XD over the Pyrannes and well into France whilst his mate Green J still enjoys her winter grounds of the reservoir Gabriel y Galan in Spain (She did not leave her wintering grounds until 31 March last year so probably about to get underway).

    Blue XD was in the position he was yesterday around 31 March last year and made it back 11 April but was held up with bad weather in France.

    Odin we are not sure but needs to be back soon or I think the mice can play whilst the cats are away.

    Now that will be interesting again.

    There is good high pressure from the weekend onwards so we may see many birds back over the coming week.

  • Lol Keith, we KNOW they play at LG.  Interesting situation indeed.

  • Good morning Gabbers and everybody. Blue XD making good progress lets hope Odins not too far away! Thank goodness for thehigh pressure at the weekend give the poor struggling birds a bit of respite! So good EJ back and she looks terrific after her journey!

    Getting a little worried about Mrs 5R (Maya). So sad if she does not return as no chicks there last year :(. Happens to be my favorite nest too.

  • I had the great pleasure of seeing 2 swallows flying over my house yesterday afternoon about 15.00.Always the highlight of spring for me as are my favorite birds and they travel so far! I think its the earliest I have seen them

    Last week 31 March I saw 2 Bramblings feeding from our feeders and 7 fieldfares in the bald hawthorn trees! I think they may have now departed to their breeding grounds now as I have not seen them since.

  • a very happy Easter to everyone and hope you have a good weekend!BFN

  • Not sure if anyone at home - but will post some pictures from LOTL today on a visit to LOTL and Starthallan.

    The Happy Pairing well for now unless a certain Old lady may want to spoil matters.

    If that certain Old Lady does come home hope she does not catch them at this as she may be not too pleased.

    But they did both visit another nest today and suppose it could be a secret Love Nest - This is the first time I have been able to capture the Love Nest on the flat tree.

    The female took a big bath plunge right in front of the hide after talon skimming then went back to preen.

    The male also showed off in front of the hide dive bombing branches and breaking them off just to show his new lover what he can do. She followed every movement by him from the nest.

    Well for now a Happy Pair - Hope it lasts.