Bleeding hearts. Retired Mountain Lady; Osprey, RSPB cam, Shower, My wish wordpress
Seconds later, busy eating and nest building
June: 'What about Dai Dot? Has his mate returned?'
Yes, according to Dyfi website she is back.
Hilary J
Does DaiDot's mate have a name? "she is back" sounds like it is the same one as last year.
Seems that many of the osprey were only delayed - not lost. Any count yet? Any one outstandingly missing?
BTW< GOOD MORNING Hilary, Willow and all Gabbers
I believe Dai Dot's mate is unringed. Dyfi wrote
'The best news of all is that Dai is now back at his breeding nest as of this evening and his partner of 2014 has just returned. They were sharing a trout on the nest rim at just after 5pm. Hopefully the pair can now be left in peace and they can successfully raise more chicks as they did last year.'
They are assuming she's the same one because they are acting as a couple. As it is a private nest she probably hasn't been named.
Good morning all. Hilary J thankyou for the information on Dai Dot, great news and hope they will have another family!
Thanks, Hilary. Yes hopefully they can be "left in peace".
I love the concept of a "wild nest" and of birds flying "wild & free" (as is my Garten)so why do I have such a strong conflicting desire to know.
Dai Dot is at a nest in Mid Wales. I visited the nest last season but did not know who the birds were until the book was published.
Both Dai Dot and his mate are not ringed and have no names - ospreys do not have names only names given to them by humans. I normally will refer to the osprey by its ring or resident male/female.
The pair had two chicks last season that were ringed Blue A1 and Blue A2 - One male - One female.
Great to see Blue 12 back at Dyfi and hope the lone female blue 24 is not alone too long. We need a few more males in Wales at especially as we are presently one down from last season in Snowdonia.
Keith, thanks for your reminder of Dai Dot's 2014 history. Willow and I took a fancy to him duing the struggles last year at Dyfi. I know that she was as surprised and pleased as I to learn that unbeknownst to us he had successfully raised a family last summer.
Keith said: Both Dai Dot and his mate are not ringed and have no names - ospreys do not have names only names given to them by humans. I normally will refer to the osprey by its ring or resident male/female.
Surprise! Human babies don't have names until they are given names by humans. And in both birds and humans, names serve the same purpose: they immediately single out one individual from among the trillions throughout history or the world today. George Washington, Winston Churchill, Elvis, Willow, Keith Rogers, Dashar, Henry, EJ - - we immediately know who these individuals are because of their name.
Btw, Dai Dot DOES have a name which you have just used and has been used and recognized on this thread for approximately a whole year. Not an official in-the-records name, but one that we all know. Just as any LG nest watcher knows the name Wee Yin. This little one was never officially named but we know her(?) by name, nonetheless.
Wonderful news Hilary re Dai Dot, thank you. I do have a soft spot for him.