Morning all; All quiet on nests so far with EJ and Marge snoozing.
Alicat, In case I miss you later and while it is quiet on here, may I send you my very best wishes for tomorrow.
Alicat - I, too send my best wishes for tomorrow ... will be thinking of you.... hope the egg was laid so you can see it!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Odin is late with a fish delivery today. Maybe we should wish that EJ gets up for a stretch or to turn the egg/ eggs.
People on Diary Page think there is possibly another egg, but nothing definite.
Husband has the radio on, and they are playing a song called "Have a Little Patience" .........
Its all very quiet, and EJ is still just sitting there.
Notice that she can turn her head right around to the back, like an owl, to see all around her- how useful.
Kelly a very experienced observer on another forum independently reported EJ laying an egg at around 11.10am.
Tiger Signature
Thanks, Tiger ---- H o o r a y !!