Morning all; All quiet on nests so far with EJ and Marge snoozing.
Poor Odin! He's a fella, and we all know that means he can only do one thing at a time! Until the full clutch of eggs is laid, his mind is on mating! That's why he can't give his full attention to anything else, even the task of brooding the eggs, which he loves. All that testoterone is making him restless, and not very effective either as a fisherman or nest builder at the moment. When EJ has laid her eggs and said' enough is enough' to Odin, he'll settle into the next phase, which in his case will probably be brooding those eggs. I wouldn't count on his fishing skills too much until the chicks arrive! ;-)
Smiles, Jan.
Aviemore now 3.1 deg Celsius.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Wattle15 said: Poor Odin! He's a fella, and we all know that means he can only do one thing at a time! Until the full clutch of eggs is laid, his mind is on mating! That's why he can't give his full attention to anything else, even the task of brooding the eggs, which he loves. All that testoterone is making him restless, and not very effective either as a fisherman or nest builder at the moment. When EJ has laid her eggs and said' enough is enough' to Odin, he'll settle into the next phase, which in his case will probably be brooding those eggs. I wouldn't count on his fishing skills too much until the chicks arrive! ;-)
Good morning Wattle 15 love your comments above. I saw another mating session a while ago and EJ looked at him as if to say "Odin enough is enough go and get fish". I am sure he will be OK once the chicks arrive.
Your remarks always make such good sense, Wattle. Perhaps he'll settle down a little when there are a whole clutch of eggs to care for.
Nice chirpy sounds from all the other birdlife at LG, this morning. Spring is the air! (in spite of the odd sleet shower)
I think another egg is iminent! EJ is restless, sent Odin away gently, and now appears to be having contractions.
I was busy, and heard wings, so came back to find both birds on nest. Looked as if Odin has brought yet more moss! They both did a little waltz around, with EJ looking down on the eggs, as if to say, 'Mind out!'
Couldn't get a clear look, but i think there are now two eggs!
Think you are right, Wattle, she is restless in the same way as on the egg laying day.
EJ is looking a bit fidgety ... is she laying another egg? ... or maybe she has?
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Whoa, Wattle!! really!