Lots of interesting posts on the previous threads. Thanks folks. EJ on nest/eggs right now. Doesn't look too windy. Marge on her eggs too.
Thanks, Cirrus.
Hi everybody,I'm new to the group though did contribute to the blog occasionally last year. Many thanks to you all for your updates, info, jokes..
I have video on RealPlayer from last night around 8.20pm I think, EJ and Odin standing together looking at the egg. Can anyone tell me how to share it, unless someone else caught it? Thanks.
Welcome Pamela to the fan family. Terry M or Alan or Tiger are probably good people to ask for help in showing your video and I look forward to viewing it . Thanks. I do know that it involves uploading it to YouTube and maybe there is something on your RealPlayer dialog that might help? Or, go online to RealPlayer and look at any FAQ's . Sorry I can't be of more help.
Uh oh Pamela
7 Jul 2008 ... YouTube doesn't accept realplayer videos. I recommend you Moyea Video4Web Converter to convert your realplayer videos. It's a total free video ...
BUT I've Googled ''How do I upload videos from RealPlayer and the third result links to a page that had precise (one by one) instructions. Have a look and see what you think. The link was just far to long to copy for you.
and this
Welcome Pamela, sorry, I'm not the person to ask about videos, I recorded some stuff at work last year and can't even send it to myself at home... Alan or Hazel and some others will find your question if Cirrus's answer doesn't work for you.
EJ just left with fish!
Terry in Cumbria
Odin just returned with a fish, EJ has taken it and left Odin to his parenting duties. First time I have managed to see a fish coming in.
Oh, VERY good boy Odin . A fish at 10.08 with head on (it wasn't particularly big but not a tiddler either) he has done so well. I hope EJ returns some to him. Odin now settling on eggs.
'Morning Margobird. I
Fish delivery. Odin gives it to EJ and she leaves.
Good Morning ALL. Thank you so much for all the overnight and this morning's reports.