Brilliant news. I knew it the minute I went to the live cam and saw EJ sitting. Hurray. A BIG THANK you to all posts, especially all the clever folks who linked to videos for those of us who missed it. Lovely. EJ is inspecting the egg right now - and has just settled down on it again. Have to pop out; then cook dinner and still haven't had a shower; back later.
Good grief: Poor Marge with two eggs and now an amorous partner, who's since left. She got up and stretched. Let's hope the guys have gone fishing
Hi Annette. Nop, can`t see any ash but our airports are closed
my photos in flickr
Color at LOTL. And somone is working the cam - scanning the Loch at nearby trees - now zooming back in on Marge. I wonder if they know she has two eggs....
Marge's companion back t omove furniture for a minute, then off again.
Hmm. Well, what looked like an osprey came flying up toward the LG nest but didn't land on the nest. And here comes Odin with a giant.....twig? He's busy arranging twigs around the egg - fuss, fuss - while EJ stretches - and leaves for a little fly about. Now what? Odin back to fussing around the egg and settles on it. Fab! Oh but now he's up fussing again; trying to get comfy? And back on the egg again. Oh I give up - he's up again. Fidget-bottom! Meanwhile, Marge still on eggs at LOTL.
Logged in to find Odin fussing around moving nest material around. Then Odin sits on the egg.
Tiger Signature
There are reports of Marge having a second egg. I have not seen it myself.
Tiger: That was me reporting a second egg. Marge got up during the night and they were very clear. Every time she moves now the cam zooms in, so they're watching there, but she's not cooperating.
EJ back. I don't see any fish.....She's pecking ever so gently at Odin as he sits on the eggs. Looks very domestic. Oooh and Up he gets; EJ inspects the eggs prior to settling down again. And off goes Odin. (Edit: Marge just got up, but they changed the angle/distance of the cam after panning around earlier and now it's hard to see any eggs).