Good grief! 12 pages yesterday. And most of them about the birds and the bees - or the birds. I'm copying Wattle's post (the last one on yesterday's Update thread) which may throw some light on the topic. (Glad someone asked; I wasn't sure myself but you feel such a twit.....)
From Wattle: Now I've finished chuckling at all the posts, I'll answer the delicate question posed. Generally, birds have just one multi-purpose opening, male and female, both under the tail. The female holds her tail to one side, and the male curls his body forward until there is, well, a 'bum kiss'! It can be lightning fast and still be very effective. ;-) I say 'generally', because male ducks, swans etc can be more elaborately endowed, but females are always the same (I think).
Thank you Wattle, I think..... :-)
Oh, and the LG nest is empty; Marge is at LOTL
not now is she!!!! She is not getting up!! and Odin is waiting. What a new osprey he is!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
She certainly looks like she's getting into egg-laying mode ... Odin flew in to mate and she didn't want to know!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
she is not comfy is she?? Wings spread out and tiny squeaks.
Is this it? ... and expectant father beside her ... except he's just flown off!!
Could be a long night. I have my laptop on the dinner table as I eat !
EJ laid down on nest like she does when on eggs and very fidgety and chirping do you think she is egg laying
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lg stats
Great moment for a pic Joan She is after me saying not tonight. Ah well. Cirrus will be LIVID that she went out right now!! LOL
Oh Poor girl . I can't remember how long it took for her to lay. It is obviously imminent. wE CAN HEAR ALL YOU LOT AT lg SO shhhh!!
Oooh I just came on and thought something was different right away - can we expect an egg or is it too soon yet??
I have my finger poised to snap... bet I miss it!