Morning all: LG nest is empty tonight; low light is on. Marge is on the LOTL nest (presumably on egg).
Hey Wattle, saw your last post of yesterday and I've also had problems getting on the site today, but all okay now. Interesting about the additional problem you had in receiving only about half the notifications of posts compared to the actual number that appeared on the site! Hmm. Wonder what all that was about.
Tiger: Are you taking bets on the first egg arriving today? As you said, Watch This Space"
EJ rearranges her feathers as if to say "well, that's that for now, anyway" ...
Cirrus, there is a youtube video link posted earlier - new residents on the nest - you can see them there.
Terry in Cumbria
Nest was empty for a while - now EJ is in residence, chirruping and calling occasionally.
EJ's squeaking becoming more insistent. Odin just landed with half eaten fish (big)
Odin just landed with a fish CIRRUS and EJ has flown off with it. Now Odin is doing his HW
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Odin arrives, triumphant with a HUGE piece of fish! EJ grabs it straightaway, then after inspecting it, flies off .
Terry it was a big fish wasn't it?
That was one HUGE fish that Odin brought in. Up to EJs standards that was.
Hurray, I've just logged on to find Odin standing around the nest and was hopitng to read he'd brought in a fish - a really good size was it Alan. Tremendous. Good boy and thank you Odin.
Thanks Terry, I've been to YouTube - couldn't see the beaks properly though. Never mind :)
Cirrus-- Happy? I'm glad for Odins sake! lol have this pic of you climbing the nest and ranting and raving at him to get a fish for EJ!!