Morning all: LG nest is empty tonight; low light is on. Marge is on the LOTL nest (presumably on egg).
Hey Wattle, saw your last post of yesterday and I've also had problems getting on the site today, but all okay now. Interesting about the additional problem you had in receiving only about half the notifications of posts compared to the actual number that appeared on the site! Hmm. Wonder what all that was about.
Tiger: Are you taking bets on the first egg arriving today? As you said, Watch This Space"
Unknown said: I have just found the page in Roy's book, (P 64) which says that ' there are in the order 160-190 copulations -- of which about 40% are successful. ---- copulation reaches a peak about 4 to 8 days before the first egg is laid.
I have just found the page in Roy's book, (P 64) which says that ' there are in the order 160-190 copulations -- of which about 40% are successful. ---- copulation reaches a peak about 4 to 8 days before the first egg is laid.
Evening BrendaH Odin has a way to go yet but he is racking up the numbers especially today.
Hi Brenda was just saying to Alan he is a bit rough. She always looks a bit shell shocked bless her. The video that Alan has kindly put of one mating session was quite funny, EJ nearly ended up flat on her face.
Margobird me too, still laughing If anyone could see us in fron tour screens throughout the Osprey season they would lock us up. Ilm either Talking laughing, crying shouting to myself or so it would appear to those who 'don;t understand lol
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
tish so sorry that sounds very painful.
Hi Margobird, I have just caught up with the last couple of pages and I am still laughing.
I think Odin has been watching those RAF jets overhead and he now thinks he has to approach EJ at that speed. Scrambled eggs came to mind, when I saw her hit the deck.
Soosin it is just amazing what emotions these wonderful ospreys give us. When I am sitting in front of the screen I will be thinking of you talking to yourself and you can rest assured I will be doing exactly the same.
Unknown said: Hi Margobird, I have just caught up with the last couple of pages and I am still laughing. I think Odin has been watching those RAF jets overhead and he now thinks he has to approach EJ at that speed. Scrambled eggs came to mind, when I saw her hit the deck.
BrendaH this just gets funnier and funnier. OH thinks I have gone mad. I shall now think of Odin as a jet when he comes roaring in.
To anybody hoping to catch up with news --- The nest is still empty.
EJ just returned