Morning all: LG nest is empty tonight; low light is on. Marge is on the LOTL nest (presumably on egg).
Hey Wattle, saw your last post of yesterday and I've also had problems getting on the site today, but all okay now. Interesting about the additional problem you had in receiving only about half the notifications of posts compared to the actual number that appeared on the site! Hmm. Wonder what all that was about.
Tiger: Are you taking bets on the first egg arriving today? As you said, Watch This Space"
Hi Cirrus, I can't hear it . I turn the volume down just enough to hear EJ amd Odin . That buzz is annoying after a while!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Yes it is a Long Tailed tit - one of my favourite birds and the colour scheme is subtle and fantastic.
Tiger - your chart of the events at LG is almost identical to the one I put on as a subject on the Forum page, but would dispute 2 dates you have listed - namely the fact that the 3rd chick did in fact hatch on 26 May, and that the last sighting of Odin was on the 19th Aug. I hope that readers will find the "fact sheet" useful as nearly all the info you post is relevant to someone.
I agree about the buzz Tish, I only turn the volume up when I leave the room. I am sure if they fitted an electronic filter, it would cut out the noise. Maybe when the mains electricity is on.
Hi Annette it was very worrying at LOTL today as the male left the egg unattended 3 times I thing while Madge took a fish to eat. He did brood the egg for a short time but then flew off. Reading another blog this morning it would seem he is getting the hang of things and did actually do some brooding. I also saw him mate at least twice but didn't realise that mating goes on even when they have an egg. Not seen this before, perhaps he is knew to this but let's hope he will get his act together now for her sake.
Thanks so much Liz LFW I also delight in Long Tailed Tits and usually have 8 or 9 that visit me. Sadly, after this winter, I have only seen 2.
Yes, Tish I agree, every so often I have to close the live streaming video page 'cos the buzz 'does my head in'.
Margobird - last year after egg two - Odin had a positvely 'proud' look to his face (can't explain it but emotion was definitely there :) ) - well, after a good look at it when EJ stood up to show him early that morning , he immediately mated. A sort of '' well, ain't I the dude ''
I think they could be trying to brainwash us with all the buzzing going through our heads. Seriously, We are grateful that we do have sight and sound of our Beautiful birds. This may be an awful think to say but the Sea Eagle - as much as I love birds of prey that is an ugly bird!! Sorry if I have offended anyone! It's a fish eating carnivore all in one huge packet!! My opinion. Not that looks matter though.
patriciat said: Morning all Odin is certainly assiduous in one area of his husbandly duties - back for another 'quickie' just after 8.15! I suppose we're now waiting and watching carefully for the first egg.
Morning all Odin is certainly assiduous in one area of his husbandly duties - back for another 'quickie' just after 8.15! I suppose we're now waiting and watching carefully for the first egg.
Good morning patriciat love your comments about Odin being assiduous in one area of his dutiesl. Had only just logged on to see him at it again. The way he comes crashing down on the nest makes me laugh and the way that EJ looks after he has gone speaks volumes.
Unknown said: Oh dear! There will be trouble here. New residents have taken over the nest
Oh dear! There will be trouble here. New residents have taken over the nest
Good morning hazelwood brave little birds I think, looked as though they pinching nesting material.
I was trying to explain to my oh last night about the way Odin flies in to mate. It is funny!! And as you say EJ face is a picture of "So "
Oh, I had to laugh at your remarks Tish. They are certainly a lot noisier when they are seeing off intruders !! But they do actually talk quite quietly between themselves. Just imagine - an 8ft wing span !!!!!