Hallo all: Off we go for another day. Huh. That's unusual. EJ (I assume) is on the nest; just sitting with her back to the cam.
Thanks Barbara Jean That's it!!. Then I go ro Forum and press Latest post.
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
We've all been having trouble posting today, all day. Even tho' it says various gobbledegook, if you look after you have posted, it is on the thread, eventually. Hope that the Admin have time to sort this out. Also some people have had trouble posting pictures.
I mentioned earlier today that although we don't always see the birds eating, they are often away from the nest and may actually be sharing a fish in a nearby tree, so I'm sure EJ isn't starving.
When the Error Notice comes up, I just press the blue arrow at top left, to 'go back', and then go to Forum to find where I was before. (click on last posting)
Has anyone seen a breeding male food solicit ?
That is what Odin is doing. He brings a fish, EJ takes it to eat it and then while he sees her eating he food solicits for her to bring it back
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
I agree with you Lindybird about the eating!! I don't thinkthey'll starve as long as they can fly!!!! Odin seems to be getting a bit ill tempered!!
Oh, our precious boy is now in sme distress. EJ has been gone a while. 50 minutes. Hope she's OK. Please someone look and listen and post cos i've got to go out now. Rats!
Will do Cirrus!
Thanks Tish
EJ arrives with what looks like a complete fish to me and gives it to Odin.
Evening Barbara Jean Odin has his own stance about things but nice to know that EJ does share and I am sure when EJ lays her eggs he will oblige and be the super fisherman he was last year.
Don't often log on in the evening but has gone to his Italian class and rather than slump in front of the TV I can watch what is going on at LG which of course is much more interesting.
Have a good evening.