Hallo all: Off we go for another day. Huh. That's unusual. EJ (I assume) is on the nest; just sitting with her back to the cam.
I found the reply mechanism wrong too tish - it says server error/ timeout each time and then I find it has posted when I go back in :((
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Yes Tish, and Annette earlier too.
Quick change over on the nest, guarding aginst intruders? I haven't seen anything (but I am at work LOL)
Terry in Cumbria
Haven't seen any fish, but Odin is making the bed.
My last post worked ok, yay!
tut tut Terry!!!! Hope you're boss isn't looking at L:G as well lol
Ah weel we'll persevere. Odin is guarding the homestead at the moment.
Typing with my pinkies just now. Awful!!!
Edit.. so did mine Terry
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Now they are both sitting on the nest. EJ looks like she has just eaten. So quietly sitting there with each other.
Now they are both sitting on the nest. EJ looks like she has just eaten. So quietly sitting there with each other. The reply thing still isn't working>>
Both birds there now, standing quietly in the wind, no fish, no s*x. (Last post gave error msg again)
Odin flown off and EJ looks like she's getting her bed ready. She's sitting quite low on the nest cup right now.
Hi all. Sorry I don't get over here as much as I did
Here are 3 short clips of EJ and Odin today:)