Hallo all: Off we go for another day. Huh. That's unusual. EJ (I assume) is on the nest; just sitting with her back to the cam.
EJ still on the nest; still quiet. Has looked around a few times, but hasn't moved from the same spot.
A lonely vigil.
Maybe she's getting into the habit for when the eggs/chicks arrive.
Nest is empty. Don't know how long - I haven't been keeping a close eye.
Hey AQ: EJ left about five minutes ago and just came back. I expect - oh - and here he is - Odin, doing what comes naturally - and there he goes. Looks like another day is underway in ospreyland.
Suddenly there are two, mating. Odin's gone, leaving EJ to the housework.
Now she is standing quietly. They caught me trying to shut down the myriad of windows I had open so I would be ready for the dawn action LOL (Must be past your bedtime, Annette, if EJ is back on nest !!)
EJ stands silently in the dawn light.
Tiger Signature
Tiger: I think you just posted a response to Chrisy B on yesterday's thread. You might want to copy it over here so she'll see it?
Just heard a crow(?) fly past the nest. EJ just looked up. It sounds rustier than our crows, which are really ravens <sigh>