Hi all. Quiet on the nest (well, should be at this time of night). Normal lighting (low).
Can I hear your woodpecker. Short stacatto dull sounding noise??
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Odin flies in for a successful mating (he looked too comfy that time) and flies off. EJ is quiet!!!
and EJ flies off.
Mating agan and off. Ej still calling.
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
tish: correct about the Woodpecker noise. Can sound louder of course if you are standing under the tree he's on! This one is in the distance.
I've been away starting dinner. Glad to hear that the mating is still occuring as we want eggs soon ....
Came back to see what's going on now: EJ is on the nest, & all is quiet.
EJ i thi nk has just landed on the nest!!
and now she's gone.
me to!!
ChrisyB said: Another osprey tried to land on the nest but EJ defended , mantling and screeching, and would not let it. It has gone for the minute, - where's Odin for some assistance?
Another osprey tried to land on the nest but EJ defended , mantling and screeching, and would not let it. It has gone for the minute, - where's Odin for some assistance?
Odin will not help EJ defend against another female. He will only defend against a male intruder.
After all if EJ were to lose then he would just pair off with the winner. They are pragmatic.
In 2004 EJ in her first season was attacked relentlessly each morning by an intruding female. Henry did nothing to defend EJ against her.
In the end a broken egg appeared. It was not clear which osprey had laid the broken egg, EJ or the intruding female. In the event EJ went on to lay three more eggs and eventually fledged three chicks.
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