Daily Update (LG Nest) Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hi all: Quiet on nest.   Soosin posted news of her Saturday outing at the end of the last Update; I've copied them onto the new Weekly Chat page (hope that's OK Soosin?)





  • Oh dear.  Repeat of the above,with Odin just sitting holding the remains of the fish but not offering it to EJ. Then after ages, he flies off again!  She looks puzzled to me!


    ODIN WITH THE FISH UNDER HIS RIGHT FOOT. (on left of picture:  EJ on Rt, only protesting quietly)

  • Odin did have some of the fish left, EJ just took it off him and flew off.

  • Odin returns again and after 4 mins just lets Ej take fish. Odin seems very tired.

  • I'm not surprised with what's been going on lately!

    Seriously, though,  thought they were both rather subdued.

  • Glad you said that Linda. I didn't want to sound alarmist but I noticed fluid drip from Odin's beak. Maybe just from the fish and something I have never noticed before. Unusual behaviour though. Need LG to explain. Was he just teaching her a lesson after the way she grabbed the fish this morning?

  • It didn't take EJ long to finish off the fish. Both back on nest now.

    Odin not too tired to mate again.

  • I think that EJ has been wary about something this afternoon. After Odin brought in the latest fish she kept summoning him back to the nest, rather than letting him eat it in peace. Odin, as usual, seemed pretty laid back about it all.

  • Last year  either David or Richard ( I can't remember  which one) said the  biggest problem with inexperienced males is they are often reluctant to give up their fish to the  female.  He  surmised  that  may be why the female is  always larger than the  male  so she can   over power him for the fish 

    Egg laying should  begin later this  week or first part of next week. Odin  should be  totally feeding EJ by now. From the  laying of the first egg until the   chicks are old enough to be left alone she  must rely on him totally for hers and the chicks  food. 

    As far as  her grabbing the fish that is  very normal especially if it is still alive.  A live fish  could  flop  out of the nest and there goes dinner.  However he is supposed to  eat the  head to kill it  before  he brings it to the  nest. A flopping  fish could  break the eggs or  injure the  chicks.  He seems  to understand he is supposed to eat the  head first before he  brings it to the nest . 


    He seems to  be getting better  about  bringing her food. 


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Good afternoon have only just logged in as we have been in the garden most of the day.  3 lawns now had their first mow and amazing how much better the whole garden looks.


    Weekly and daily chat has made wonderful reading and thanks for all for links and magnificent screen shots.  EJ back on nest looking gorgeous in the sun and so pleased to read David's blog that wonderful Odin has come up trumps again.  Can't believe how many times they have mated and excitement building about the first egg now.  It will be absolutely the best if EJ and Odin can raise 3 healthy chicks again.  Good to see that there is very little wind at LG today as well.  How different it looks from a short time ago when they had all that snow.


    Have a lovely evening all.


