Morning/evening all: A ways to go before dawn at LG, but nest is brightly lit again
Wonder if this sort of behaviour is something now only revealed by the cameras, but is 'normal' for the birds?
I don't think he had enough time to catch another fish, but then I could be wrong. I can't remember seeing this habit before ?
Odin returns with a large twig.
It is an interesting insight though. It's def. different from last year
The nest is beginning to look like "home" now!!!
I am out now til early evening. Wonder what excitement today brings at LG
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Me too, tish. Have to get dressed (!!) and put laundry out, then I'm out to lunch with friend. Happy days to both ospreys and watchers!
I, too, am off out shortly ... friend's birthday so am treating her to lunch! Look forward to reading about today's adventures later on :))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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The camera could get damaged if Odin keeps kicking the nest earth at it, as he enlarges the cup yet again.
Many thanks for your observation JSB - grateful for it.
well, something fishy is going on then . Well, good. Hopefully.
Yes, Tish, I agree - finally home looks like home.:)
EJ returns to nest, Quick mating and Odin leaves.
It really is lovely to read about the fish sharing backwards andr forwards. ;-) Obviously EJ was demonstrating to Odin just how things should be, and he's a quick learner! She was showing him that she must have first go at the fish, but what she doesn't need she is very willing to share with him. Odin then reinforced this lesson by returning with what was left of the fish when he'd had a feed. Lovely!!! Obviously neither bird is very hungry, which is the best time to get things like this settled.
Smiles, Jan.