Start of a new day at Loch Garten
Tiger Signature
What was the intruder it now sounds like a pigeon.. I saw today on my travels a poor capercaillie on its own in an enclosure pacing and acting so un narurally it was so upsetting. I told some English visitors to go visit Loch Garten as it ws their first time in Scotland and they would see capercaillies in the natural habitat and ospreys as well,.
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
OK ... EJ back minus fish ... did she lose it willingly? :))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Are they sharing? Was it dropped? or did he take it again ?
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Odins back with the fish. and they both flly off in different directions.
I hope someone has taken pics. It's all too much I need a lie down!!
Now it makes sense. I just saw Odin on the nest and EJ arrive with half eaten fish. He tried to take it from her and a tussle resulted. Then EJ flew off with it.
This is what happened.
That other osprey that landed on the nest ... was it Odin? She was mantling and didn't look happy.
Thanks for pic DjoanS It certainlylooks like Odin. But what is making that grown heavy breathing noise!!!
If it wasn't Odin where the 'B """" H"" is he, when there's intruders around, LOL
Definitely EJ on nest without a fish now. Don't like this behaviour.