Not sure how much I'll see tonight, given computer problems. Can't see any wind action at LG - don't know if it's calm or of the image is frozen!
You're right, Barbara Jean, I do believe there is a threat they are watching.
Odin doesn't usually stay on the nest this long. He just does what he came to do and leaves
Now he is balanced near the edge of the nest ready for take-off
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Odin has flown off
Odin is angrily moving the furniture around, including the "reserved nest" branch. That wind is ferocious. They will have a difficult time fishing today, I think. I'm off to sleep. Hope you guys see who is making our duo upset.
Odin just flew off...
The background looks as if it is moving, the wind is so strong - it is the nest of course. Would it be the wind that is upsetting them?
Odin has returned. Some more twigs out of the nest cup.
Good morning/evening all.
When I first came on a few minutes ago, both birds were on the nest, moving twigs together and seemed to be comfortable with each other and acting as a team. There is definately something off to the right of screen that they are both watching, Odin eventually taking off, rather reluctantly I thought, towarkds the right of screen, EJ watched after him nd then did a mit more fiddling in the nest, keeping her eye out to right of screen.
Smiles, Jan.
After standing on the edge for several minutes, Odin returned to the nest cup for more twig moving. Then another mating, he's off. few mins later EJ has gone.
Last year I asked where the center is located when I am looking at the computer screen. Someone said it would be behind me. It looks like they moved the camera. Is it possible the staff is coming in to work and that is what Odin sees?
EJ is back on the nest calling for breakfast. Let's see if Odin listens and catches a fish for her.