Happy Easter all!
OK. So EJ and Odin safely at LG, but what has happened to the LOTL cam. Haven't been able to get anything. It looks like it's going to load okay, then you get just a black screen. Let's hope they get it sorted soon. Margobird said they'd had horrible weather there yesterday, so maybe that knocked out something.
Well, I missed Odin's arrival but thanks to BigRab, there's a video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4EoYaRO6js which I plan to watch myself in a minute.
Busy day here, also amazed to see Trucker cam is now in Albuquerque - boy! does that guy ever cover ground. So I really have to follow him tomorrow (along with you-know-who) because I've driven that road and just love the huge wide horizons. But it's also Easter, so a bit of family stuff going on. Bought some lovely strawberries from the farm down the road and then went to supermarket and bought some naughty cheese (fattening double cream French Brie), mushrooms stuffed with all kinds of yummy stuff and simply couldn't turn down Haagen Dazs's invite to try - "at special introduction price" - new Java Chip flavor with coffee and chocolate chips. Was at Costco earlier and got some great asparagus and Wild Alaska Halibut. So we had a nice dinner, but ice cream still unopened - for now.
Gorgeous cockatiels, Hazelwoods, sorry you've lost your avatar. I was thinking of changing mine but I feel emotionally attached to Deshar still, and he's never coming back (oh dear, everything's gone all blurry...) One of my cats sits on a stool next to me - I am standing of course, while he sits - and he nudges my elbow when I stop tickling behind his ears. It could be interesting tickling an osprey though!
I am away for the weekend starting tomorrow pm so might not post again, will be watching the cam at work though, I have got my boss interested in what's going on there at the moment. One minute EJ is peeping quietly, then it gets louder and we think "Odin's here!"
Thanks everyone for links and pics.
Terry in Cumbria
hazelwoods - I love the story of the baby owl being tickled ... I rather think there might be a few lost fingers if it was tried on an osprey :)))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Thought this of Bassenthwaite look sweet
Lindybird Thank you for the information on how to stop the email alerts - I found a box to untick, hopefully it will work. The box to untick at the bottom of this reply is not there so it looks promising.
Just need to find how to make bold bits in the postings now. That will be my task for tomorrow.
TerryM I have the photo as my desktop. Have done since we got the link to it. I can't bring myself to change it.
It's raining again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now where did I put my raincoat?
Terry: That Bassenthwaite (sp?) picture looks like a painting.
AQ: Hope you find your raincoat.
Off out this evening. Back later.
Unknown said: Diane: You sounded discouraged in your "I don't care anymore" post. Hope that was just a minor frustration?
Diane: You sounded discouraged in your "I don't care anymore" post. Hope that was just a minor frustration?
Oh, sorry, Annette. Just some minor aggravation. Didn't think about how that could be interpreted. I was posting too late at night. Now that I look at it, I realize that was a poor choice of words! Thanks for your concern.
Hey Diane: Take care of yourself; we don't know anyone else in Indiana! :-)
Annette They built a whole launch facility for the shuttle at Vandenberg. Then when Challenger blew up in 1986 they decided that they would not launch any shuttles from Vandenberg. What a waste.
I will never forget Apollo XIII It was launched just about an hour after the FA Cup final finished. Chelsea 2 Leeds United 2 AET. Surely one of the most exciting finals ever.
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