Happy Easter all!
OK. So EJ and Odin safely at LG, but what has happened to the LOTL cam. Haven't been able to get anything. It looks like it's going to load okay, then you get just a black screen. Let's hope they get it sorted soon. Margobird said they'd had horrible weather there yesterday, so maybe that knocked out something.
Well, I missed Odin's arrival but thanks to BigRab, there's a video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4EoYaRO6js which I plan to watch myself in a minute.
Busy day here, also amazed to see Trucker cam is now in Albuquerque - boy! does that guy ever cover ground. So I really have to follow him tomorrow (along with you-know-who) because I've driven that road and just love the huge wide horizons. But it's also Easter, so a bit of family stuff going on. Bought some lovely strawberries from the farm down the road and then went to supermarket and bought some naughty cheese (fattening double cream French Brie), mushrooms stuffed with all kinds of yummy stuff and simply couldn't turn down Haagen Dazs's invite to try - "at special introduction price" - new Java Chip flavor with coffee and chocolate chips. Was at Costco earlier and got some great asparagus and Wild Alaska Halibut. So we had a nice dinner, but ice cream still unopened - for now.
Good Afternoon,
Beautiful day here and we have manged to do quite a lot of garden work but grass/ flower beds are still very wet, so OH is getting impatient as he wants to cut the grass.
Annette, Thanks for the 'plateai altitude'. I rather like the thoughts of the downhill drive to California. Whoopee
AQ, Glad the rain arrived, but you obviously didn't want a deluge. Sorry about the leak. I presume the Chinese Skipper was contacted by radio and told he was off course /warned to change his course. I just can't believe he will get off so lightly, Lovely to see your 'pet' white-backed magpie, who seems a very happy chap, even though he has a broken beak.
Wattle, you sound so angry that I think you could deal with the Chinese skipper yourself. I whole heartedly agree with you though !
OG, I know what you mean about all the holiday preparation, but it is great to get away.
Right , had my tea break, back to the garden!
LINDYBIRD/DIANE We hear the woodpeckers every year but have never yet seen them. A dog walker who lives very close tells me she gets one in her garden so I am green with envy
LINDYBIRD totally agree, Boring, boring, boring listening to all those lies. Don't think you would be on your own on that desert island.
Alan – seems so long since we heard about Hamish rolling and waving his legs in the air – so glad he agreed about the return to gardening weather! Dibnlib – neighbour opposite cut his grass Monday, but ours will have to wait till we get home next week – at least it is now green instead of that awful yellow ochre colour! Trip is to Dunblane till next Monday morning then delivery of goods and chattels (whatever they are!) to Son next Monday to Wednesday (staying B&B but hoping to get my legs up his stairs with help), with visit to LG on Tuesday. Not getting LotL screen to open at all – just continuous “buffering”.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Afternoon all.
Just in from work and as I put the kettle on, what should swoop past the kitchen window - a swallow! Spring has officially sprung.
Morning all: Well EJ is on the nest; my computer seems to be back to normal; the sun is shining so all is right with the world. So far.
Diane: I have copied and pasted all your hints into an e-mail to myself (Wattle's too!). Thank you so much for taking the time to go through all that. Very generous and helpful of you. I'll go through the hints then save them all in a Word doc for future reference. I'm just wondering if there wasn't a temporary problem with the ISP provider that's been sorted out. Yesterday I couldnt' even get Google Maps to work. We'll see. So your Dad was shouting at the telly? Assume he was on Butler's side? Sounds like they just missed a great triumph. What a shame, I love to see the underdog unseat the favorite, regardless of the sport. Now it's what? Baseball? But hey, just three months to Wimbledon (Note to self: Must get that flat screen telly in by then!)
AQ: Lovely shot of magpie - you have some very assertive birds in your garden. Do the magpie and the noisy miner ever bump into each other? Missed the bit about your leak. Was probably yelling at my computer. Of course, the first real rain of the season is when these things show up (What is it they say? "The time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining." Well really, you don't know the roof is leaking then, do you?)
OG: Noticed that Trucker Steve isn't happy that battery problems are still there. Another day in St. George; which is a heavily Mormon town, although he doesn't seem to be the type to be out partying! Utah is a "dry" state, which means alcohol can only be purchased in state-owned stores and at restricted times. But if you're a tourist, you can join a private "club" and buy a drink. When we were there, we went out to dinner and had to wait until the election polls closed before the "club" side of the eatery would serve us a drink. Kansas is another dry state. My OH and I were there a few years back and, after a long drive, finally got to our destination (his family's tiny farm waaaaaaay out in a tiny town) only to find we couldn't get a glass of wine with dinner anywhere. :-((( He told me when he was a teenager, his family lived in Kansas City, Kansas and he and his friends used to drive across the river to Kansas City, Missouri, (yes, it's confusing) to buy booze. Lucky you. Going to Loch Garten!!
OK. EJ still on nest; I'm off to start the day. Thanks to everyone - new and regulars - for posts and tidbits of info. Do read them all. Take care!
Annette I know it is very early but there is going to be an amazing opportunity tomorrow morning, over southern California, at 5.23 am PDT. Not only will there be a great pass of the ISS but the shuttle will be two minutes ahead at 5.21am. This will not happen very many times in the future.
Like here. See http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap080604.html
Tiger Signature
3rd egg for London Vauxhall peregrines.
Owl and Hawk nesting calendar has been updated:
OG: I hope you have a wonderful trip!!! Sorry if I've missed you.
Milford ospreys have their 1st egg: