Happy Easter all!
OK. So EJ and Odin safely at LG, but what has happened to the LOTL cam. Haven't been able to get anything. It looks like it's going to load okay, then you get just a black screen. Let's hope they get it sorted soon. Margobird said they'd had horrible weather there yesterday, so maybe that knocked out something.
Well, I missed Odin's arrival but thanks to BigRab, there's a video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4EoYaRO6js which I plan to watch myself in a minute.
Busy day here, also amazed to see Trucker cam is now in Albuquerque - boy! does that guy ever cover ground. So I really have to follow him tomorrow (along with you-know-who) because I've driven that road and just love the huge wide horizons. But it's also Easter, so a bit of family stuff going on. Bought some lovely strawberries from the farm down the road and then went to supermarket and bought some naughty cheese (fattening double cream French Brie), mushrooms stuffed with all kinds of yummy stuff and simply couldn't turn down Haagen Dazs's invite to try - "at special introduction price" - new Java Chip flavor with coffee and chocolate chips. Was at Costco earlier and got some great asparagus and Wild Alaska Halibut. So we had a nice dinner, but ice cream still unopened - for now.
Happy Easter to everyone,
OG : Thanks for the picture of Hope. Really cute.
Sue C : Thanks for the peregrine news. I will catch up on them later.
Annette : Nice pic of RTH. Amazing that it came so close.
Cirrus : I am a bit concerned about Eric as the latest he has arrived previously is 1st April.
I wont be around so much today as we have a family get together at DIL in the afternoon. After all the excitement of yesterday, I think I need a day off. It is addictive however and I will be thinking about EJ and Odin.
Enjoy your Family time, Alan. We are now set for a good few months of Osprey watching and will have to fit our lives around it, again! (thanks for great shots of Marge at LOTL,they are lovely)
Thank you to the night shift and all of you who have recorded info and pics. My first visit today, have family staying over and been busy cooking breakfast etc.
Good morning all just popped in to say Happy Easter and it certainly is now with the return of Odin and also I am sure I have just seem Marje at LOTL is not alone anymore. Hopefully it is Eric with her.
Have a good day all, I am a bit gutted that I won't be able to watch much today and tomorrow but at least I know for now all things osprey are going well.
Happy Easter to you All.
Alan, Enjoy your day with your family.
Sue C, Good news about the Peregrines. I notice there was yet another osprey in your area.
OG, Superb picture of Hope. I wish we could see more of her as she grows and learns.
Cirrus, I think we may have to accept that Eric may not return this year, but I am still hoping.
I still have to catch up with the previous page so speak later.
Margobird, Thanks for the Eric news. Happy Easter to you.
Probably as you just wrote of Eric, (see above), I was reading of his return on another thread! Lets hope for another successful pairing.
Thanks Linda. That news is so good to hear.
Gosh, there's so much going on now! I've 2 webcams open and trying to catch up on the forum ! Great to have all the news on there! Got to get on now, though, visitors etc...
EJ just landed with a large stick!
Happy Easter to you BrendaH. Got to go and get ready to go out in a minute but can hardly tear myself away. Great news on both nests.