Weekly Chat (all topics). Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter all!

OK. So EJ and Odin safely at LG, but what has happened to the LOTL cam. Haven't been able to get anything. It looks like it's going to load okay, then you get just a black screen.  Let's hope they get it sorted soon. Margobird said they'd had horrible weather there yesterday, so maybe that knocked out something.

Well, I missed Odin's arrival but thanks to BigRab, there's a video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4EoYaRO6js which I plan to watch myself in a minute.  

Busy day here, also amazed to see Trucker cam is now in Albuquerque - boy! does that guy ever cover ground. So I really have to follow him tomorrow (along with you-know-who) because I've driven that road and just love the huge wide horizons. But it's also Easter, so a bit of family stuff going on. Bought some lovely strawberries from the farm down the road and then went to supermarket and bought some naughty cheese (fattening double cream French Brie), mushrooms stuffed with all kinds of yummy stuff and simply couldn't turn down Haagen Dazs's invite to try - "at special introduction price" - new Java Chip flavor with coffee and chocolate chips. Was at Costco earlier and got some great asparagus and Wild Alaska Halibut. So we had a nice dinner, but ice cream still unopened - for now.


  • This is interesting: Mike Smith, project coordinator of the Gray Whales Count, was out at Coal Point today (as usual) when this red-tailed hawk suddenly landed on the fence, then hopped over to the "Counter Point" sign designating the area we count whales from. Mike was able to grab his camera and get this shot.  He was amazed; me too. The bird must've been between 5 and 10 ft from our table and benches. Just hope the hawk comes back to visit when I'm there on Monday. 

     P.S> Tiger, hope you're feeling better today.

  • Well, I'm having no luck at all capturing video images with MWSnap. I can capture any part of the window except the actual "live" image from the nest. That area shows just black.  I should be able to capture video images, right?  I've been reading the "Help" topics, but haven't found an answer as yet.....  Any clues would be welcome.   No problem yet since LG all quiet and LOTL cam still down.   Also, site has been really slow in uploading comments tonight; might be me, or....

  • Hi Annette.

    The best way to capture video stills using MWSnap is to select the "Any rect area" box, then click "Snap any area".  Place the cursor on the top left of the video screen, then hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor so that it captures the screen.  Then left click to make your capture.

    Hope this helps.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Thanks Heron. I'll give it a try. Are you looking at the nest? I can't figure out that bright light that came on about 15 minutes ago. Wasn't there last year - posted a message on the staff blog asking what it's all about.

  • Heron: OK. So I did all that on MWSnap, and in the MWSnap window, I still get a black "image."  I gather I'm supposed to see the "snapped" video image on the MW screen at that point, right?

  • Annette:  Maybe the hawk just thought he'd help with the whale count? They do have exceptionally keen eyesight. What a stunning picture. Wonderful!

    Big Rig Steve (of the trucker cam) stopped in Cuervo, New Mexico, today and shot a whole bunch of pictures of the ghost town there. He has promised to put the photos on his website. If you're interested you might want to check out the gallery when he gets them posted. He has promised a very pretty drive tomorrow as he goes "north of Flagstaff, Arizona, towards the Page, Arizona area."

    Sorry I can't help you with the MWSnap dilemma. I don't use that program. I still use the old way: Click on video. Hit the Print Screen key to save. Paste the image in Paint and save it to my hard disk. Then I use my editing program to crop the page and adjust color, brightness, etc. (I use Microsoft Digital Image Standard for editing). Are you clicking on the actual video before you start the process?

    I hope you got some much needed rest last night. I also hope you and your family have a lovely Easter.

    Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates that holiday.

  • You should be able to see the snapped image on the MW screen.  I'm not really sure what the problem is.  Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can help.

    I did notice that the LG nest was looking brighter but didn't actually see the light come on.  There's a bird on the nest at the moment but as it's still in night vision, I can't tell if it's EJ or Odin.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Sorry, Paul, I was typing when you posted, so I didn't realize that you were helping Annette.

  • Hey Diane:  Osprey on nest at LG; a second one approached but didn't land. Bright light makes it hard to ID due to contrast.  Also, have had problems with the site. Am posting, but  uploading is very slow, and the last two times I got a "server error" message that made it look as if the post didn't load, but in fact it did.

    Mike from Gray Whales said gopher was in the area and maybe that's why the hawk stopped by.  Saw the note about the Cuervo NM photos and definitely want to see them.  When I was editor NM Journey, we did a story on NM ghost towns - I saw many of them while I was on a press trip - just fabulous.  Big Rig Steve is a good photographer!  I want to drive along with him tomorrow through NM and up through AZ to Utah, but will have to fit in with LG and Easter!! 

  • Wishing everyone a joyful Easter. Thanks to BigRab for the video and thanks to all others for still shots so I don't miss a thing. I can't watch dawn over LG as we're off for family gathering at m-i-l's. Catch you, EJ & Odin later.