Daily Update, Saturday, April 3, 2010

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  • Su : Roy Dennis estimates that there are now more than 230 pairs of osprey in the UK.

  • Elizabeth P said:

    I wonder how many people are sitting at their computer muttering ''Come on Odin (or Eric)''  I have a million other things I should be doing!



    Hello Libby are you one and the same of Wildlife SOS?  I think there are hundreds of people muttering come on Odin.  have been watching and waiting most of the day, surely he is going to turn up soon.  As you can see ospreys are still arriving and let's hope he is amongst them.


  • OK. Here's Clueless Question #24: Do male ospreys typically return to the same area they were in the previous year?  Or can they be "distracted" by good mating opportunities before they get there.

  • CQ #25: Have male ospreys been know to show up after dark? (If so, will have to rearrange entire day's schedule!)  :-)

  • Unknown said:

    OK. Here's Clueless Question #24: Do male ospreys typically return to the same area they were in the previous year?  Or can they be "distracted" by good mating opportunities before they get there.

    Hi Annette: Generally speaking, males are more faithful to the area where they were born than females are. If part of a pair they usually return to their nest. However, as always with ospreys, there are no hard and fast rules.

  • Unknown said:

    CQ #25: Have male ospreys been know to show up after dark? (If so, will have to rearrange entire day's schedule!)  :-)



    Hi Annette we will have to reschedule our day/evening.  Not sure if they travel when it is dark but when they are on migration I suppose they could perhaps using stars for navigation.    Seems like a very long day waitinfg for both Odin and Eric although as you will have seen ospreys still arriving.  Have a good Easter weekend.


  • Still no activity on the nest at LG, however at least the forecast snow hasn't materialised. In fact it looks quite pleasant there at the moment, if not exactly warm.

  • I've lost LOTL cam; LG still okay

  • Hi all

    Still no sign of the man of the moment then, Hey ho.

    Quote  ''Or can they be "distracted" by good mating opportunities before they get there.''  Annette, dare I say it   lol

    Hi Su, and welcome. you have no idea what you have signed yourself in for, but you will love it.  You need lots of time to sit here and do nothing else , you need a box of tissues at hand and you need to keep up with reports from our many friends in  America and Aus and , well all over the world in fact,  for updates on the nest when we are asleep  Enjoy.

    Edit : (yes you do know,what is ahead of us all,  have read back through todays comments).

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Annette back on it mght be something to do with the hail storm they have just had.


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