What can I say? April Fool's Day? Could be mid-Winter from the view (or lack thereof).
BarbaraJean: You asked on yesterday's thread if anyone knew if EJ had dealt with this much snow. Tiger has posted some pix of her on the nest, partially covered with snow - but not like this. Richard at RSPB LG seems to think she's holed up somewhere near food waiting out the storm.
Cirrus: Photo of Marge resting makes a change - she's been looking very windswept when I've managed to stop by the nest!
EJ has been back with a fish supper:
Yes yes Alan Goodie I got one too
EJ doing the housekeeping and moving sticks!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Cirrus and Alan - Isn't this great folks ... things back to normal so quickly :)))
DjoanS GREAT STUFF . (we crossed in the post) Oh, joy - hooray. Maybe Odin will show tomorrow
Unknown said: EJ has been back with a fish supper:
thats a great shot alan i like how you have captured her wings
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lg stats
This is looking good - and thanks Alan for that capture - one for the desktop!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Cirrus and Alan, so very well done and thanks you for sharing. It lifts your spirits to see her. Thanks p.s. it;s like a sepia photo
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Poor girl kept getting her feet stuck in the snow. But wonderful that she's realised she can get home again.
Tish what's a ''sepia'' photo?
Alan OG is right. Caught like that with open wings in the setting sun ... definitely one for the desk top