Dailly Update, Thursday, April 1 2010

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  • Hi Tish yes it will be horrible when that happens and yes I remember "Bewitched" and wouldn;t it be good to beable to twitch our noses and give them a hand.  I really feel for them.


  • Unknown said:

    Tiger - my apologies for accusing you of April 1st stunt - Richard confirms Osprey (presumed EJ) on the nest at that time!

    OG  No problem.

    Cirrus   Of course I would not not do something like that.

    This happened at Nauvo on April 1st 2008. I thought it was an April Fool but it wasn't.


    Tuesday1.jpg picture by maisiemaisie


  • Margiobird  I think it's  just that we were expecting the next intalment in the LG saga to be the arrival of  Odin but not that dreaded snowfall.  Must dash up to collect  Mother and when I come back I expect a thaw to have started!! 

    Later ..... 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Looks like the beginnings of a thaw - Son said this morning there was absolutely no wind in Grantown.  Apparently the locals say it was "The Lambing Storm", where the wind is usually the big problem, but this year it chose to be a blizzard instead of torrential rain.  He says many people got caught out despite the forecast - they thought having had it twice already, there just wouldn't be a third spell of wind and snow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  Thanks Djoan, for heads up re Richard's blog.   Thanks Tiger, for shot of EJ - at least she can find the nest.  Looks suspiciously like the sun is doing it's best at LotL, though wind still up - or is it? Image seems to keep freezing. Hmm. 

  • Good day Annette just popped in to look at LOL nest and the wind is blowing gale force and it looks as though it is pouring with rain.  LG nest is started to thaw just hope it does it fast.  Have a good day.


  • Hi all

    Watching the webcam with all of you waiting for the fun to begin- but if you want something else to look at apart from snow the check out the New Forest Goshawk cam - really good and the birdsong from the forest os wonderful


  • Hello harelady as you can see we are all waiting with bated breath at the moment but it does llok as though it is thawing a bit at Loch Garten so hope they won't get anymore snow.


    The cam\in the New Forest is good have been watching for 3 years now and as you say lovely bird song.


  • Oh right  Tiger !   ''Nauvo on April 1st 2008.'' -  and auntie said the Ospreys sorted them out 

    :)  when they arrived at their nest. Of course, anybody can see the nest is far too small for WT Eagles   LoL


    Has anyone seen EJ since Tiger spotted her early this am?

  • Golly!  Reading back now, it sounds as if I thought that Tigers photo was an April Fool!  I meant that I had just seen the webcam, and the nest had totally disappeared under all that snow.The joke was on us, as there was nothing to see today!  At least the snow is melting, now.

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