Last week's Chat thread is HERE.
Thursday, March 5, is the Full Moon.
On March 6, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
The Dawn space probe will spend several months observing Ceres and sending back the first close-up images of a dwarf planet in our solar system. You can watch the spacecraft's arrival at Ceres on a special broadcast of the Slooh Observatory:
U.K.: Friday 6 March at 6:00 p.m.Eastern U.S.: 6 March at 1:00 p.m.California: 6 March at 10:00 a.m.
Scientists have already detected mysterious bright spots on Ceres and are anxious to discover what they are. INFO
Everyone have a great week!
ANNETTE - I got my scale and polish free in return for the rescue, although I think he will need to buy a new door as OH did make quite a mess of it!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
BRENDA - twice this evening we have posted within a minute of each other! How good that your Son and his wife have both been offered jobs in Singapore, which must have made their decision easier. However, I know you are a very close family, and it will be hard for them to go, as well as you and your OH and Daughter left behind, especially after their recent move to the coast. Will you have to "inherit" young Penny for two years? You certainly will miss them, but communications are so good and visits could be quite an adventure!
OG, Our son didn't move to the coast in the end. They bought a bigger house in London a month before Christmas. All their plans to have big alterations have now been put on hold and they will rent it out. They saw this house as a long term family home. I am not sure what they have decided to do about Penny. they both adore her. I do know they will be talking to the vet, especially because of Penny's canine meningitis. I am sure we will be first in line to look after her, though :-)) Our daughter, who moved house last Friday, has found that the heating is not working and can't get anybody to look at it until the end of this week. We have told her to take out a British Gas contract ASAP. She has been borrowing heaters from friends. Her brother is now asking her to store some furniture etc. for them.
Good evening all just popping to sat all went well today, bloods still behaving. Will post tomorrow as OH will be back to work.
Brenda: That's a HUGE change for the family. It will go quickly, and if everyone is busy planning trips (and what a trip for you!), it'll go all the quicker. But bravo for them - I forget what field your daughter is in... Again, I forgot if your other daughter bought or rented the new place with the heating problem - either way, it's not what she needs.
Margo: Yippee! Lovely to hear your good news.
OG: Gosh, maybe I can borrow EE to perform a similar good deed at my optician's office. I called this morning and now not sure I want to afford a new pair of specs (or a second pair as backup) given things haven't changed that much in the last two years. Eeek.