WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015

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  • Been busy doing nothing much, all day! Horrible weather – cold wet stuff here and surrounded by snow on higher ground – too wet for church this evening: walking so slowly I would have been cold and frozen getting from car to building and out again.

    Pleased folk liked my Coo – the Belted Galloways (aka Belties) are great little beasts, and produce superb beef! I will see if I can find my Osprey jigsaw photo from a few years ago and put that on here too.

    Linda – I shall have to “run” round with a duster this week – Daughter#1 and various appendages are visiting next Saturday! I hope you enjoyed the wlak today, despite the change in the weather.

    Clare – only 31 days – yes, you’re right. That makes me feel a whole lot better – there really will be a spring, although I do remember her sitting with snow on the nest! I hope you all had a great day at Minsmere today, and will be thinking of you tomorrow, awaiting news.

    Lynette – pleased the shoulder cleared up. It is the standing which really attacks my hip the most – standing in the kitchen, in shops or in the greenhouse – and I seem to spend a lot of time standing waiting for other people!

    Annette – thanks for starting the new thread. I am sure you are looking forward to your little guinea-pig friend coming to stay again – and much easier for you (and Lightning) without the dog!) I enjoyed the thought of your OH having the g-p for company when you go to Prescott for the birthday celebration!

    George – pleased you made a visit to Loch Leven, and are going to start feeding the birds again. Glad you visited the café, they are always so welcoming and their scones are really good, among all the other treats! Sorry about the oven, but pleased you can save a bit on the fitting of the new one (and glad you aren’t going to try to lift it in yourself, although I know you are capable of wiring it).

    Not sure about plans for tomorrow – weather will decide! Take care, everyone.

    PS Osprey standing jigsaw photo file was too big to post!)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Made it smaller.

    I originally took photos so that I could put it together again if I dropped bits!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - love the osprey jigsaw, also Belted Galloway, very unusual.

    The weather seems to have been awful everywhere today.  It tried to snow first thing this morning and then turned into torrential rain most of the day, was going to go to the beach with Amber but changed my mind when the heavy rain started.

  • OG - That's just gorgeous! I loved the Coos - but an osprey always beats them hands down! Brenda - the packing is sorted now, except for actually squashing everything into the cases. Will do that tomorrow as most of the clothes are on our spare bed and I have to vacate it ready for Eldest, who is coming tomorrow again just for one night. We love to see him but its always a very 'flying visit'.
  • Annette: I love the Oscars, with their glitz, glamour, awfulness and wonderfulness. As you might gather, I love films! I too, shout at the screen.....some of the presenters are grim, and some of the acceptance speeches are awful!! I'm jealous that you can see it all live, as we have to wait for the Breakfast time News to hear who's won!
  • Hi all on a new week.

    OG - the osprey jigsaw is fab as was the one of the cow.

    George - although you have lost Diesel at least now the birds can come flocking again and keep you company.  I do like to look out of the conservatory windows and see the birds feeding.  Also pleased that you have found someone local and cheaper to fit a new oven, hope you manage to find one.

    Made the decision over this last week to become a member at the church where I go so will be hearing from them in due course as to what is entailed.

    Daug's problems with work escalated this week with a very unfortunate email saying she was suspended - it was the final straw so she has resigned and sent a letter to that effect. They still say they are going ahead with the meeting next Tuesday but she has said she will not be attending.  Has to ring ACAS tomorrow to find out if they think that she has made a right decision and its legal. So we wait and see.

    Been a miserable day here with rain and quite windy, don't know what tomorrow will bring, just have to wait and see.

    Picture of the eaglet flexing his/her self.

  • OK: Well the award ceremony was typical - lots of Hollywood show-biz hyperbole. Was sorry that Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne both couldn't win, but oh well.  Was completely amazed at Lady Gaga's fabulous tribute to Julie Andrews, who she introduced after singing a selection of songs from The Sound of Music. Good grief! What a beautiful voice - almost operatic.  Never expected or suspected that! Glad the Grand Budapest Hotel won many awards - I really liked that movie - but hadn't seen any other of the other films. During the song and dance acts, switched over to the Great British Baking Show to see all the things I'd never even dream of baking.

    Anyway, off to bed. Have a good Monday all!

  • Linda – Have a great holiday.

    This morn I met Chauffeur-Friend for coffee – we haven’t actually met since last Sept though there have been lots of emails & phone calls. She had a number of books, jigsaws & toys to pass on to Dau2 or charity shops. It was great to chat face to face. My well-loved potato masher expired recently. I can’t find a suitable replacement. Either there is more metal than holes so I get ‘squashed’ potato or the new models are so big that they barely fit in my small saucepan. We don’t eat a lot of potato but some mashers I’ve seen are super-family sized. I’ve tried 5 different outlets, 2 more to go <sigh> Such a simple thing I would have thought.

    Oh yes, I had to sign in again. It happens at least once a week so no chance I’ll forget my password.

  • Thanks, AQ! Good Morning, Everyone. Pleased to see that Eddie Redmayne won his Oscar for an amazing performance as Stephen Hawking. Have read a lot about the film but not seen it yet. As Annette says, pity that Benedict Cumberbatch couldn't win, too, for his tribute to the great Alan Turing. Julianne Moore won for the ladies, and it also seems well deserved: she has been nominated no less than 5 times in the past.
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