This is a new thread for the Glaslyn Ospreys. Following on from Glaslyn 2014
The countdown clocks march relentlessly on
I will add to this later.
Tiger Signature
Hi Everyone. Thanks for all your earlier posts. That bird looks big enough to be a female, but could have it's feathers fluffed up, but the markings could be male. I am not much help, LOL
It's still there. I know it is a long zoom, but it must be quite windy, the cam is bouncing around.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Very difficult to keep watching, Sheila. It could be windy as there is rain moving in later today.
I asked on FB whether 4R had been seen today. The reply was:
Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife - Glaslyn Ospreys. Not 100% confirmed. We will be checking the protection site this afternoon.
Birdsong I notice that in your © for Glaslyn you have the old link to the web cam.
Yes, it is very difficult Brenda particularly with you know-wot about to start!
© Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife
14.47 Blue 4R is on the perch, calling!
And this is why she is calling!
It is has now flown off and left 4R in peace.
14.53 the cam had zoomed in on 4R, but it zoomed back to include the nest, there the pesky magpie had landed. It seems to have gone now.