FEBRUARY - The days may be getting longer, but it is still our coldest month. Just a wonderful month to curl up and snooze until our osprey arrive back in Scotland. - - and Wales and England. I don't know of any in Ireland.
WendyB has recently given us a link to an Albatross family cam which should prove entertaining as we continue our countdown to the arrival of EJ and Odin. With Keith on Bioko Island for he month, he may have a few adventures to share with us.
Let us remember that February is the month of romance, too.
Big Question answered, for now anyway! Millicent has reversed tracks and headed back north. She was last reported as far back as Guina Bissau. Now What?? Will she continue back to her usual roosting place or off to explore something else?
As usual Jen has given us an interesting report, including an update on Breagha and a picture report of the wine tasting/bird watching event. event.
Here we can see both nests, with the mama albatross on the second nest in the upper left corner. These birds have names, which I will try to get together for a later post.
JS, further to enquiries regarding 'Ospreys in Wales', this is the reply I received from Ems
Hi Wendy
Unfortunately, it costs me £24 to send it to the US.
NHBS have a shipping deal with UPS so can do it for much less - £5. So it's £35 including delivery – around $53. All these books are signed by the way.
If you would like one with a personalised message, I can absorb some of the shipping costs myself and do it for $65 inclusive and can send it to you direct.
All the best
I will be ordering my copy tomorrow & have already penned the inscription I wish Ems to write!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Thanks, WendyBartter. I believe all the evidence is in and I think I see my way. But I will look it all over and make decision soon.
Thanks millions to all who have contributed.
This Albatross cam is located on the island of KAUAI, Hawaii. Please click on the pictre for a proper view.
For a real treat go to Google earth, search Kauai, Hawaii. Be sure your camera feature is activated, then click on any photo and enjoy. For this picture I have left the many photo icons in place.
Hi Keith, I see you have found our periodic visitor. Gone again, what'll I do, skip to my lou my darlin'.
Still only two eggs at Fort Myers - I suppose this will be the lot as second egg was January 25.
Excellent picture of Fort Meyer nest. "Pink Shell)