FEBRUARY - The days may be getting longer, but it is still our coldest month. Just a wonderful month to curl up and snooze until our osprey arrive back in Scotland. - - and Wales and England. I don't know of any in Ireland.
WendyB has recently given us a link to an Albatross family cam which should prove entertaining as we continue our countdown to the arrival of EJ and Odin. With Keith on Bioko Island for he month, he may have a few adventures to share with us.
Let us remember that February is the month of romance, too.
Diane, Thanks for the link. Very interesting.
June, If Millie's last trip ended in the river as it appears to in your picture, perhaps she could not lift a large fish and it caused her demise or perhaps she was a snack for a crocodile--that is, if there are crocodiles in west Africa. Or was it a fishing net yet again?
Wendy, I think my Mum may have mentioned something called housework, too...not that I was paying attention at the time!
Kind regards, Ann
All good speculations, Ann. Wonder if we will ever know more.
I'm going to check GE tracking again before I comment on that.
June, I suppose that Millie could have flown on after the last point, but encountered a problem before the next point would have been recorded, meaning that she perhaps did not die mid-river. Guess we will probably never know.
Ann I went back to get the dates as well as the travel lines. Since the last date is Feb 12th, this must be the final report
Do you follow their tracking on GE? If so, you are probably aware that as you move the pointer, the lines change positions in relation to the ground underneath. But all things considered it does seem that Millicent's last movements were over water.
I cannot state any authority, but yes I feel certain that alligators, crocodiles, (whatever) do lie in these rivers.
For a bit of color, another photo by Rev Fred A Shaw from his zoo collection.
June, Haven't been following GE tracking. Well past my bedtime now--goodnight all.
27 days till EJ'S RETURN on Wed March 25th
33 days till ODIN'S RETURN on Wed March 31st
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