WEEKLY CHAT (Non Osprey Topics) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st 2015

Where did January go? Really interesting hearing about all the new/pending pups - think you have found some surrogate owners!!!

  • Rita pleased to read the snow is going at last making it easier to get out.

    Heather sorry to hear about Sheana, hope the nephew will appreciate all you do for her.

    Lindybird  spot on with your comment about our lovely Billie. It is good of her to share a tinŷ corner of the settee with me. OH's settee will probably be her next port of call. Sorry driving experience was a bit scary for you.

  • Here's a cartoon for everyone who was talking about a loo, shower, bath with a view of the outdoors (birds, etc.). I saw this, and I had to laugh.


    (I have a large window in my loo that overlooks the woods!)

  • LOL!  Good one, Diane.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Diane I just knew OH had a secret shower cap :-))

  • Morning all:

    OG:  That makes sense (a variation of "seen one bird, you've seen them all" - which of course isn't true).  Hope all went well with J, both on the road and at the docs.

    Brenda: Have voted for Lady's tree (thanks for the link).

    Lindybird:  That verse is not awful - I couldn't come up with anything as good as that at any time of day. Glad no pedestrians were harmed during your morning out. :-)

    AQ: Aren't those twins in school yet? Are you on nanny duty two days a week - what about your OH?  Is he still on duty? Please take care of yourself.

    Margo: Good to read that your OH isn't working so hard. He's a real gem. Choose some nice bright day for your New Forest outing.

    Diane: That cartoon is soooo funny! :-) .  I wouldn't mind overlooking anything, but wouldn't feel comfortable without some kind of covering over a bathroom window, regardless of how far away the neighbors were... though I can't imagine anyone wasting their time trying to get a look!

    All this talk of dogs reminds me that we haven't seen patriciat for a while. Didn't she do agility with her dogs (or have I lost the plot - yet again?)  Has anyone spotted her?

  • Unknown said:
    All this talk of dogs reminds me that we haven't seen patriciat for a while. Didn't she do agility with her dogs (or have I lost the plot - yet again?)  Has anyone spotted her?

    I think you'll find that was Trish 2.  I hope she's OK as well.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • PatriciaT did agility with four dogs (only name I can remember is Fly) - later 3.  Haven't heard from her since Christmas.

    Trish 2 started later, with one dog, Mia - the one which had a warm shower by the back door!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Quick update - J arrived safely at his destination at 8pm, so must have had a reasonable journey on the motorway.  He sounded tired having worked before setting off, but has time to get plenty of sleep tonight.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • That's good to know, OG. Hope he has a stressless day tomorrow.