Happy New Week all.
Big surprise this morning!!! Heard a knock on the front door at 8:15 and thought it was the neighbor who'd just had a load of bricks delivered to their driveway, but NO!! It was my granddaughter, with a basket of flowers, champagne, scones she'd baked plus jars of lemon and raspberry curd on a spur-of-the-moment trip to celebrate my birthday early!! I was amazed and thrilled. She had a few days off what with shift changes, etc., and since we don't get to spend a lot of "just us" time, she decided to drive here to spend a day with me and OH without the rest of the family buzzing about. She even made dinner reservations at our favorite restaurant in Montecito! You can't believe how thrilled I was - and so happy - what a special treat. She's off to her Mom's tomorrow (daughter is not aware she's in town at all, so that'll be another unexpected treat) and they'll spend the day together before she drives back to Arizona on Monday. So happy!
Will respond to posts tomorrow, but in the meantime, take care everyone. :-)))))
Oh Lindybird she is a gorgeous wee thing. Sorry I missed the previous weeks chat, it she a little spaniel.
Hi Lmac - thanks, yes, she's a Springer Spaniel. Pics from last weekend, aged only 4 weeks.
Lindybird - What a gorgeous puppy, so glad you managed to post your pics.
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
How funny, we new owners are all getting spaniels. I would say they are quite needy as a breed and need to be with you always. Tapaidh cannot get close enough to you and wants her face to be beside yours at all times. If she could climb inside you she would. I have noticed the same thing with relatives and friends with spaniels also. Wouldn't change her....
Linda, I have been out shopping and OH put some Lindor in the trolley for me, I come on here and there is your precious little ' choc truffle ' for me to see. She is a delight. I want a cuddle.
It has just stopped raining here, some of which was very heavy with a strong swirling wind. No idea why I bothered drying my hair this morning !
George, So sorry to hear that Diesel has needed an Xray and blood tests. I hope they find the answer to his problems, without any more investigations, and the vet will be able to help him with medication and diet. Please let us know. XI can understand how your SiL feels. None of us are brave when operations are mentioned. Good that she had a chat with the Dr.
Quick look in before off to get fringe trimmed.
Lmac: Had to look up Tapaidh - means "clever"? But how do you pronounce it?. A lovely creature.
Lindy: That's a serious little pup. Very cute.
George: Do hope they can get Diesel sorted out; let us know how he's doing. Good that the doc spoke to your SiL about the op; still, who'd want to have to have any surgery.
OG: As folks said, take it easy and no dancing or cavorting until you really feel restless.
Must go and hose down and make grocery list (next door to hairdressers).
Hi Annette, amongst gaelic speakers the literal translation is happy, but not being one of them I would say smart, clever. OH is the fluent speaker. All three of which Tapaidh (ta-pee) is striving towards and has so far excelled at the happy bit.
Lmac: well so much for Google translation, though must admit I didn't scroll down that far. How nice your OH is fluent. We've got a program coming up on tv about "endangered" languages that's on my list to watch.
Lindybird - So glad that you managed to post the pictures of your puppy, she looks adorable! I hope we will see lots of pics of everybody's spaniel puppies in the future, what a coincidence, three people with spaniel puppies!