WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015

Happy New Week all.

Big surprise this morning!!!  Heard a knock on the front door at 8:15 and thought it was the neighbor who'd just had a load of bricks delivered to their driveway, but NO!!  It was my granddaughter, with a basket of flowers, champagne, scones she'd baked plus jars of lemon and raspberry curd on a spur-of-the-moment trip to celebrate my birthday early!!  I was amazed and thrilled. She had a few days off what with shift changes, etc., and since we don't get to spend a lot of "just us" time, she decided to drive here to spend a day with me and OH without the rest of the family buzzing about.  She even made dinner reservations at our favorite restaurant in Montecito!   You can't believe how thrilled I was - and so happy - what a special treat.  She's off to her Mom's tomorrow (daughter is not aware she's in town at all, so that'll be another unexpected treat) and they'll spend the day together before she drives back to Arizona on Monday.   So happy!

Will respond to posts tomorrow, but in the meantime, take care everyone.  :-))))) 

  • Lmac, Tapaidh is absolutely Gorgeous. Oh, those eyes.

  • Good Morning, All. A quiet night on here: hope that means that Annette has been resting, and that AQ didn't have too fraught a day yesterday, helping with her grandchildren. My OH says there is a bitterly cold wind outside, here, and it reminds me that they have had blizzard conditions in USA, which I hope is not too bad for our American friends.
  • Unknown said:
    AQ, I guess once the children had been fed, they were ready for a nap after all the activity at playgroup, or is that wishful thinking. LOL

    Yes & no. Miss3 never has a daytime nap. Watching other children racing around, neither twin would nap at playgroup. L was exhausted with watching, while J a scaredy cat was outside her comfort zone. J fell asleep in car coming home but L hung on until cuddled & placed in cot. J had a mere ½ hour, fussed over her feed & finally went to sleep in my lap - for another ½ hour. The day passed in a blur of bottles, nappies, cuddles. My sparse time with Miss3 was spent cutting her snack cheese & cucumber into triangles, circles, etc and admiring her "sticker" pictures (made using old calendar pictures). L had a second sleep and playtime - she sits happily. On the other hand J prefers not to sit and rows herself on elbows all over the room, under chairs until she gets stuck, She ended her afternoon napping in my arms, but every 20-30 mins she would wake, I would soothe her back to sleep, I think I dozed too. I nursed J for 2 hours before s-I-l came home & released me. I took comfort that she had a good sleep for a change.

    So LINDA, I didn't have too fraught a day.

  • Sounds like hard work, nonetheless, AQ!! Good job only young women can have children - why anyone would have treatment so that they could bear them in their later years, is beyond me. The twins do sound as if they're thriving, each in their own way, so its good news.
  • I had a brainwave - its been so frustrating that I can't show you on here, and others, pics of our little one. Then I remembered that this will take photos - so I've taken pics of my photos!! Not ideal, but they may just come out..... Let's have a go!!
  • Good afternoon all just looking out the window at the falling snow don't know if it will lie. I don't know what to do with myself today as after our walk this morning took Diesel back to the vets as had been arranged as his condition had not improved after his second try with the antibiotics and the vet has now decided to have him in for blood tests and stomach X-Rays so will not get results till late afternoon as he had had his breakfast before we went to the vets. He is really out of sorts as he is sleeping more and drinking a lot more. This will cost us a few hundred more but nobody likes to see their pet unwell.

    SIL has been told that she will be going in to the hospital within the next few weeks to have her kidney removed and she is very apprehensive but the doctor phoned her on Monday and explained what had been done and what was going to happen so that has helped quite a bit.

    I hope everyone gets well soon and those not suffering from anything keep well and are not overcome by extremes of weather.  

    george g

  • Another........ EDIT - As you can see, she has a mainly brown head with just a tiny teardrop of white on her head. She has a mainly white body, with a brown " saddle" on her back and a tail which starts out brown, but decides to be white later on!!!
  • George - sorry to hear that Diesel is poorly, and more trips to the vets are on the cards. Its such a worry when a loved animal is ill, and as you say, we can only do our best for them. Hope when you get the results its nothing too serious. Sorry too, to hear that your sister in law needs an operation, and hope its a successful procedure. The hospital staff do a wonderful job these days, in my experience.